
You've never played Galaxy or Galaxy 2? Or are you saying you want to play through them again? Those games are masterpieces.

I have the Wiimotes, so that shouldn't be a problem. I just haven't played it when there are people around. I'm going to do that this summer though.

Somehow I've never played Nintendoland even though it was preloaded on my Wii-U *ducks debris being thrown at me*. When I go the shore with my family for 2 weeks at the end of June I'm bringing my Wii-U and my goal is to get my brothers, cousins, nephew, niece and whoever to play that. I've heard nothing but great

I've never played Minecraft so I don't get the appeal of it (I know the basics about the game, but just never played it). My 5 year old nephew absolutely loves the game and got my brother into it a little as well, and it's a shame my brother doesn't have a Wii-U because my nephew would probably crap himself if he had

One of my favorite levels was the Mystery House Marathon in World Crown. I mean, I HATED it, but when I finally beat that, I felt really good about myself. Haven't played that level again. Only level I haven't beat is Champions Road. Haven't even picked it up in a good 6 months or so. I'm sure I'll get back to it

Uncharted 4 is finally making me consider upgrading from a PS3 to a PS4 (I have such a backlog on the PS3 of games I want to play and there hasn't really been any games on PS4 that made me say, "I need to play that right now" until Uncharted 4). Two of my brothers have it and they will not shut up about it. But with

I haven't been on Smash in a while. I might load that up this weekend if I have some time. I don't know, I seemed to like the Wii version better than the Wii-U one. Nothing I can specifically put my finger on as to why. It's probably that when I got the Wii version, I was living at home right after college and I put a

Hopefully finishing up God Of War 3 this weekend, pretty far in it now and the wife is out of town with her family this weekend so I should have a good opportunity to put in a lot of time on it. I'll have to say, the brutality of this game took me by surprise. I know, it's a GOW game, they're all brutal, but when I

Definitely getting in on some Splatoon. I've only played one level of the single player campaign, I should probably get back to that.

It didn't, he wasn't a stand-up in the show. He was an actor.

Yeah, once Chick saw Norma, I thought he was done.

RIP big screen TV, we hardly knew ye.

He didn't know. He started the conversation by telling Norman that he's officially done talking to Norma. It's slipped in there really quick, I almost missed it. But he doesn't know.

Sorry we don't have fries. Please don't look so sad, we're trying.

Number 2 was my favorite.

Selina telling the well wishers on her mother's lawn that she wished her mother could be alive to see such a diverse group of people at her house made me laugh out loud, a lot.

Andrew is here, but I made sure he didn't have anywhere to sit.

I read that it takes aspects from a lot of different games but I don't care as long as it's fun. For the price of the humble bundle, I'm not looking for anything earth shattering.

God of War 3, getting pretty far into it now. About to fight Hermes. I'm really liking this one and think it's overall probably the best of the series (1-3, haven't played ascension or any of the psp titles).
I want to start getting into my Nintendo Humble Bundle too. Is Darksiders 2 good? I know nothing about it,

Uncharted 2 is a blast. I'm going to start 3 right after I finish God of War 3.