
By far the best episode this season and best in the past few seasons. Krieger karate chopping around the brawl slayed me. Especially the sight gag after the fight when the police showed up and everyone is all dirty and disheveled except Krieger.

I'm so glad they're using her more again. She's fantastic.

I would absolutely watch that.

So was Pepe, he was the MVP for me.

I think the last 3-4 shows before the retool were great (season started out ok). Then the retool happened and it wasn't as good.

Well, I mean, they did laugh at Scott Tennerman when he was crying because Cartman made him eat his parents. So that's worthy of praise and worship right there.

The fact that it beat Shawshank for the Oscar is a crime.

I didn't like Bladrunner either!

Frozen, I mean, people treat it like it's the best movie ever but come one. It's nowhere near as good as The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Lion King (you're a monster Joe Blevins!) or any number of other Disney movies.
But I think I'd have to say the movie that I hate the most that people absolutely adore is Blade Runner.

If this gets a season 2 I hope they bring Kumail back as a constant adversary for Stew and Dean. He's great in everything.

Yeah, I was wondering why they didn't explain the reason the twin was doing it and not the guy it actually happened to. Or why the twin would agree to testify against his brother, since you'd think the guy committed fraud by saying he was his twin (have to assume he's not going to be let completely off the hook for

I would have to say RE4 when you're protecting the girl and you come into a room and a bunch of zombies come at you, then you have to lift her up onto a platform so she can turn a crank (all while zombies keep coming at you). I always ran out of ammo on that part and never got past it. It's the point in the game where

One Boo Crew t-shirt, please.

As much as I love The Americans (best show on TV) and Better Call Saul (right up there too), I don't think I'd want them to burn through 22 episodes a season. I mean, that's 2 season's worth of episodes right there and the Americans would probably be off the rails by that point and just a shell of its former self.

Diner waitresses get crapped on in movies and TV shows all the time.

I know Romero was a good guy to Norma, especially this season, but let's not just go out calling him a "good guy" all around. I mean, seasons 1-3 he's a crooked cop and he kills a guy that could potentially replace him.

Well the Viper would have won easily if he didn't try to get a confession/show off at the end. With the mountain on the ground he just had to slash the neck and be done with it. He didn't need to get close because that thing had a reach on it.

That was my biggest laugh of the night.

Him asking Amy that question slayed me.

I know, I really thought that would have been on there and I was looking forward to it.