
My favorite part of the episode is when Holt busts them for working outside and Terry is explaining how everyone is getting more work done and says that Amy filed enough for 10 officers, the look on Amy's face as he said that killed me. I had to rewind it. Adorable, humble, braggy and yearning for approval all in 2

James Franco and his Japanese body pillow named Kamiko from 30 Rock! How does that get left out of this list?

Yeah, I went from NES to genesis, to PS1, skipped a generation (college) then picked up a Wii and PS3. So when I played the first Galaxy, I hadn't really played a Mario game since Super Mario 3 (I played a little of N64 but since I didn't have an N64 I never really got to play, just a level here and there at my

Yeah, overall I don't miss the voicechat, but there are some times where I wish it had it for about 2 minutes.

I used to do the same thing but then you always come to a spot where the other team is all standing on higher ground and staring raining down balloons or bombs and it takes you all out. If someone is on the tower, I try to go ahead and take out people on the other team. If someone else gets on the tower with me, I'll

That's what I've heard. My brother says it's his favorite of the series. I think I'm just still getting used to it. A lot of times it takes me a little bit to get into games like that. Although MGS 1, 2 and 4 I didn't have as much of a problem. But Twilight Princess was one where I got about 2-3 hours into the game.

I played as Cloud once, I thought he was ok. I'll have to play as him more to get a good feel. Never a fan of the Final Fantasy games or any straight RPG game. I like games that are adventure or action games with some RPG elements but full on RPG games like that just aren't my cup of tea.

Yeah, that game really hit hard with the narrative. When that guy kills himself after his son turns into a zombie, I felt like I was punched in the gut. Had to put the controller down for a minute.

Can you get into the lobby before that time or is that when it opens up? I've never played a tourney or anything on there before so I have no idea what to do/expect.

As someone who recently moved to the suburbs of Philly (although I can walk to bars and restaurants), I can relate to Dennis' hatred of driving during rush hour on 95 (he was driving 95 south in the show, which is what I would drive if I drove to work, I take the train). 95 is a cluster F in Philly. They've been doing

Finally started up MGS3 again. I just met the girl on the motorcycle and now I have to take out the 8 bad guys before I can move on (still at the beginning of the game). I don't know what it is, but I'm not getting into this one as much as the others. It might be because I'm not a fan of the fact that there's no

Must have been hard for Conan to hear that too, him being a Pats fan as well.

I couldn't get a good feel for Corrin, but I'm definitely getting better with Bayonetta. I'm really starting to get the timing down with her super hair punches/kicks. Getting the timing on that perfectly and wailing someone off screen is really satisfying.
Super Mario 3D world was definitely fun but no on the level

What time is that tourney on Monday? I'd definitely like to get in on that.

For me, the bummer is that the main girl cut her hair. WHY???????? She looked soooo much better with long hair.

Never heard of his show, "No, you shut up". Set it for my DVR though. PFT and muppets? Sounds delightful.

They wheeled a TV into my 6th grade class as well. It was my generation's Kennedy Assassination ("where were you when it happened" type thing) until Columbine and 9/11 happened…

What happened to Sully?
I had to let him go.

Chris Farley was athletic enough to do some great physical comedy too. Fattest guy I've ever seen do a cartwheel.

I played metal gear solid 2, on MGS3 right now (played the first MGS and MGS4 when they came out, missed out on the PS2 era). But the legacy collection is awesome. I have thought about working through those original ones too but don't know if I'll ever get around to it.