
Definitely interested in the new Mario Maker suite. Hope all goes well with your wife's surgery!

No idea how much I'm going to be able to play this weekend. It's the wife's birthday today so weekend is pretty full up with that stuff. But I'll get some time in, even if it's just a few kart races or splatoon matches. Can't imagine I'll have a lot of time to get into MGS3 or anything like that. Couldn't even really

Chloe was mine. Thing is, the actress is great in all her other roles.

He's much different on Master of None. Much more toned down.

What are these tournaments I keep hearing about? I always race online against randos (which is a blast) but a tournament against you guys should be fun (and probably humble me a lot).

Yeah, when I played the first few levels I was shocked at how easy it was. But then I went back to try and get all the stars, coins and flag pole tops and that really revved up the challenge. I think people were also upset it wasn't a Mario Galaxy game (which is understandable because those games are masterpieces).

Seeing as how I'm probably going to be buried in snow, I'll have plenty of time to play video games (outside of shoveling and spending time with the wife) so I'm going to get some MGS3, Splatoon (wish the splatfest with this weekend instead of last), Mario Maker, definitely some Kart, Smash, maybe NES Remix. It better

Yeah, that would have been ridiculous.

I agree, the way he walked through a building of criminals and after the first few shots he wasn't cornered and gunned down was surreal but it was worth it to see Key and Peele's reactions.

I think in the last season they reined in Craig a good amount. He wasn't just yelling all the time and he was taking steps to control his anger. But otherwise, I agree. I get it, Craig, you can yell and freak out at anything…

Holy crap, I never realized he was the kid from Mighty Ducks!

And a bagel pizza! It's just a shame they used cinnamon raisin…

Totally forgot about her, she's the worst.

Agree on Skylar.

I did not like Skyler.

Did you like Fargo? Because if you don't like Malvo and Molly, I don't see how you could have really liked that show.

Chloe on 24. Just didn't like that character.

I was hoping whenever it showed the back of Rob Lowe in a scene they would actually use Efren Ramirez as his stand in and whenever it was supposed to show Efren Ramirez's back, they'd have Rob Lowe be the stand in. Didn't happen though. Thought it would have been funny.

But he didn't even finish that last time.

"Potato chips don't count, my doctor said they have no nutritional value."
That part cracked me up. Reminded me of my mom when I was young and she wouldn't let us have chips or a soda or some type of junk food. She'd always say they have no nutritional value. Obviously a different context than it was used on the show.