
Well they're not just going to talk a bunch of nonsense to Bob Loblaw.

I am very surprised Marvin Lewis is still employed. With how things fell apart at the end of that game, I thought he'd have been fired. Cinci should look into Coughlin. That's the exact type of team Coughlin should be coaching, they have a window of a couple years to compete and just need guidance.

Oh man, not having the inverted Y axis in the gunner turret KILLED me. I probably should have googled it while I was playing the game…

I clicked on the first link, and boom there I am, first clear!

If you're looking for a really fun, but simple, card game to play with a group of people, 5 Crowns is a lot of fun. Scoring can be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be (anything 9 and under can count as 5 points, 10 and face cards as 10 points, or each card is their face value, also, points are bad). I play

This is great, thanks for pointing me towards all these creators! It really changes the dynamic of the game when have somewhere you can go easily to find excellent levels.

Upvote for the Sandlot reference.

That's why I'm glad I played the first Bayonetta before starting the 2nd on (still haven't started the second one though), sounds like it's really hard to go from the 2nd one to the first because they improved upon the first one so much for the 2nd one. I'll definitely be splatooning as well!

Keep up the great work with the Mario Maker levels, I'm still working my way through all of your previous ones. Beat "All I need is one jump", took me forever but it was a fun! Put my "turtle hopping" level to shame. Thanks for the link to the other person's level, I'll try to get to hers this weekend too. Finally

After all the dreck I had to trudge through on the feed that normally comes up (automatic levels, impossible levels, super easy levels), it was great to find people who created thoughtful levels that were hard but fair. I just saw you put up some levels recently (as in, after I beat all your levels a month or so ago)

3 day weekend! Football playoffs, friend's birthday and time with the wife will somewhat limit how much I play this weekend, but the wife goes to bed early so I'll definitely have some time.
I swear I'm going to get back into MGS3 this weekend. It needs to happen. I might play some Rayman Legends, probably some

Mac's reply to that was the highlight of the episode for me.

I heard you guys have a John Wilkes phone Booth though. ZING!

Or what Dennis does to women when he's done with them.

Smash Bros is good, you can kind of button mash until you get the hang of it. Nintendoland, Mario Party, Super Mario 3D World

Yeah, it's so rare. The only time I don't mute myself and don't mute everyone else is when I play with my brothers. Then I'll mute everyone except them.

I'm going to beat more games. I keep playing games like Splatoon, Mario kart, smash bros, Mario maker, COD and multiplayer games like that. I need to get back into the single player campaigns of games and beat more of them. Like the Metroid prime series, Uncharted 3, GOW 3, MGS 3, Thief, Heavy Rain, Dead Space 2, and

I just mute all the other mics every time I play a FPS online. It limits the use of communicating for strategy but I've never really had many people use it for that when I do have the mics on anyway.

It's mind boggling as to why someone wouldn't. Thanks for playing some of my levels! They were very early attempts, I haven't tried in a while and the level "Max is Smelly" I made for my 5 year old nephew. So I didn't try to make it super complicated (not that any of my levels are).

Finally started playing your levels this past weekend and they are great! Really enjoying them, they're tough, but not unfair which is perfect (as above, so below was phenomenal). I don't have a level code on me but my name in there is Mannion and I starred and commented on some of your levels (also got a world record