
So I should watch it on Blu-ray and not HBO?

Not yet, I'll do that. I have a level code for you (I believe @drflimflam:disqus gave it to me), I haven't played one yet or started following you but that might happen this weekend. If I remember, I'll reply to your comment with one when I get home.

Yeah, I don't get it (lack of Mario Maker stars). I'm not saying my levels are perfect, or even great. But I used to get stars here and there (I've only uploaded 4 or 5 levels). But when I log in it shows that so many people have played my levels.

*looks sheepishly at Col Flanders*

I've been on such a Mario Kart, Smash Bros., Mario Maker and Rayman Legends kick that I need to get back into my action games with story. So I think I'm going to pick up MGS3 again. Cleared the first part, now I'm on the second part where you start with no weapons. Lack of radar was throwing me off for a while but I'm

I asked my wife that same question. Plus, wouldn't there be hundreds (thousands) of ghosts at the hotel? How many people did March kill there since he built the hotel? Wouldn't the countess have her children back because they died in the hotel? Didn't Sarah Paulson's character die by falling out the window and was

Anything that pays for The Americans is fine by me. The could do more seasons of Anger Management for all I care. Just keep The Americans on my television every year.

I've been known to f**k myself. …

I could get down with that.

While I'd love to have the books out ASAP, splitting them up between a bunch of people (while GRRM is still alive, no less) would result is a scattershot story between books (and GRRM is having enough trouble with that as it is). The only way to get the best quality of books is to have Martin take his time and write

I should have known! You're a hugger, not a shaker!

True, but I also think part of it is the fact that a police captain would do street dancing at all gave him some street cred. Not so much the fact that he was supposed to be the better dancer.

Not one mention of Boyle Oil in the stray observations? I loved how the situation about the person she hit kept getting worse. "Are you technically a pedestrian if you're sitting on a bench?" Hilarious.

79 things to be excited about and The Americans isn't one of them? Baffled… At least I learned that Norm is writing a book. Can't wait to read that.

The fact that they said you should watch at least one version of A Christmas Carol and The Muppet Christmas Carol was not listed should be a crime against humanity. If LaToya was a flavor you could bet that she'd be sour.

Now that the Millers has been cancelled, hopefully she'll be around a lot more.

Yeah, plus if I have a few drinks I don't get confused as to what I'm supposed to be doing or turn the game on the next time to play and start out at a spot I don't remember at all with no idea what the objective is. Those games you listed are perfect for boozing and playing.

I am at the same point. I usually end up playing splatoon or Mario kart online when that happens. I started Metal Gear Solid 3 but haven't played it in a few weeks, once I dive back into that game though I'll plow through it.

Pretty busy weekend overall, parent's coming to town, Christmas party Saturday, Christmas shopping Sunday (thankfully the eagles game was moved to Sunday night) so I don't know what I'll get to play. My younger brother is coming up so we might fire up some splatoon or Mario maker (he doesn't have a Wii-U). For the

My parents are coming up this weekend too, but they never talk politics. My dad never wanted to sway us when we were growing up so he never talked about what he thought. It was a good way for each of us to come up with our own views based off our experiences and not just following in his footsteps. It was the right