
Yeah, that is insane. It's like they don't even watch the show or anything.

Yeah, number 2 is ok for me for the Americans but you're right. People need to start watching that show so it gets better ratings. I don't understand how such a high quality drama/action show on a network known for high quality drama/action shows can fly so far under the radar.

I'm surprised that wasn't brought up anywhere in the article or anywhere else in the comments (that I've seen at least).

When I got down to number 3 and didn't see the Americans yet I got really worried. I friggin love that show. It's amazing.

Watch the Americans, it's incredible.

Mr Show?

I am. No lies on Christmas.

I could see Brooklyn 99 come in at 20 or 19. I love that show.

None of the fish in the episode were Swedish fish.

I go with elipses "…" to portray sarcasm in texts. Makes it seem like I'm trailing off at the end.

Or the final scene of the last movie is Roland back at the beginning with the horn. But I do enjoy the idea that this go-round would pick up right where the books left off.

Imagine Christmas wishes shooting from your eyes!

When a cold wind comes, it chills you, chills you to the bone!

We put Muppet Christmas Carol, Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation in heavy rotation every December. Throw Scrooged in there too. Although the scene with the song "the love is gone" is one of the worst scenes in any movie ever. I get so bored for those few minutes.

Two blocks away Schwartz was getting his…

Ah, poor Schwartz… When child abuse was funny…

That part always kills me. Also, anytime I see fragile written out, that's how I pronounce it in my head and if reading it out loud have a wait a beat to say it right.

By far the best episode so far. I was laughing throughout.

Yeah, running into the waitress cracked me up, especially the look he gives her. Hilarious.

I do like your worlds! Thanks! I feel this is what the internet was created for, people sharing information and generally getting along. This is why this is one of my favorite articles every week, you never get trolls or people just being jerks. Can't wait to dive into some of these levels!