
Yeah, but at least you had the 85 bears, 90's bulls, current Blackhawks (even the white sox won one not too long ago, but I know there's a big divide between white sox and cubs fans). I'm 32 and the only Philadelphia championship I've been self aware for (sixers won in 83 when I was about 3 months old) is the Phillies

As much as I love that the Yankees or Red Sox didn't get to the ALCS, I can't bring myself to cheer for the Blue Jays. As a Phillies fan, that Joe Carter home run still haunts my nightmares. Even though I was only 10 years old, I vividly remember watching that and then crying…. Ugh.

Having a housewarming party this weekend so won't get too much gaming in. I will probably get some Mario Maker in, also some Splatoon when it's just my brothers at my place. But a lot of today will be focused on cleaning/setting up, tomorrow is the party, Sunday is cleaning/recovery/watching football.
I have been

Splatoon is amazing.

I know I'll be rooting for the cubs, I'm a Phillies fan so obviously I want you guys to beat the mets but I'll be rooting for the cubs no matter who you guys play.

Thanks, I missed the name he said and deleted it off my DVR when I was done watching and forgot to go back and check.

What does Pepe say when he has Statler's teeth in his mouth??

It was all supposed to be a surprise and we just ruined it.
-The A.V. Club

Hindsight is 20/20 my friend!

Yeah, kids definitely love it. My nephew is always saying "we're gonna get Bowser!" and gets all into it. It's great because they can pick up and at least get through the first few levels/worlds, but to finish the game or get all the secrets you need to be a good gamer. It has something for everyone.

It's fun, the FPS aspect is a little jarring, so is the fact that you can't move the camera with the right joystick. It takes a little getting used to but it's not killing the experience.
Bayonetta is a lot of fun (the first one, will play the 2nd one after I finish eh first). I'm about halfway through but with Mario

What's your name on there? I'll follow up and play some of your levels.

That's a great idea. Could have a leader for most points on a level as well as quickest finish, most enemies killed. Great, now I'm going to be mad whenever I play it that those options aren't available… DUWEASE!!!!!!! *shakes fists*

Visiting my brother tonight and tomorrow, my nephew wants to play New Super Mario Bros. Wii with me (he's 5, I gave my brother my Wii when I bought a Wii-U and my nephew loves it), he plays with my brother and they can't beat a level so they're calling me in. It's all my nephew talks about. When I get back home I'm

If only he'd listened to that boy, instead of walling him up in the abandoned coke oven.

You should see Charles Barkley's fat a$$.

Yeah, I also liked how they were able to show "drunk" Fozzie but through a lens where kids wouldn't take it that way. Drunk Fozzie was on point and not super over the top (as most drunk characters act). I could 100% picture one of my buddies acting that same way after a night out.

I liked when it became apparent that Liam was going to steal Gonzo's date and Gonzo was confused and said, "Is this when I go over?" and Pepe responds, "No, this is when you go home". That was great. I enjoyed drunk Fozzie too.

I really liked when Holt went up for his speech and Jake says, "oh good, Holt will go up and give a nice uplifting speech, right on time." Cut to Holt saying, "Life is garbage" and Jake saying "Oh, no".

"So you're the Jake that killed my husband?!?!?"
"No, no, I'm pr0st!tute Jake!"
That line killed me.