
That was my take on it. It'd make total sense for a Jewish person not to have been in a church before. I've never been in a synagogue.

I've heard nothing but good things about 3, excited to play that but I feel I should definitely give 2 a shot first. I'm really worried about the controls on 2 because I've heard bad things about them and I'm so used to the control schemes on 3rd person games now.

Just keep at it. It'll be temporary. When I was unemployed for 4 months a living at home at age 24 (2007) it was pretty rough and I was pretty down. It did give me a chance to play Link to the Past and Super Metroid on the Wii virtual console, Twilight Princess, etc. so it wasn't a complete waste. Big thing is, don't

I would say most garbage people are attorneys. Semantics!

Metal Gear Solid 4 is a great game but the cut-scenes can get in the way. There are even a couple where he's fighting someone and I remember thinking, why aren't I in control of Snake during this? I'm about done with uncharted 2 and might start in on the metal gear solid legacy collection (never played metal gear

Dude, that suuuuucks. You should absolutely try to get that fixed. I haven't built a level yet, having a lot of fun playing all the other ones. Stuck on one particular one, Parcour something, it's a New Super Mario Bros type level and it's really tough.

Not going to get much playing time in (first anniversary with the wife on Sunday) but I just started the last chapter of Uncharted 2, so I should be able to finish that. Might be able to squeeze some Mario maker in there too but I don't know.

Review's first season was awesome.

I haven't seen that show. I know about it and want to see it, just haven't had time to yet. Everything I hear about it is positive.

AD was perfect season 1, I don't think Brooklyn 9-9 was perfect but they found their voice a lot faster than most sitcoms.

I'd say Arrested Development and to a lesser extent Brooklyn 9-9 got it spot on in their first seasons. But your point still holds. I mean, Parks and Rec was only ok in it's first season but that became one of the best shows out there once they found the direction they needed to go.

The reviewer said it was a dish he was given by Carlin. I don't know, I think it'd be worse if the dish was given to Leno by Carlin, then it'd be a gift from his idol as opposed to a piece of property he stole.

Didn't Leno say he stole that candy dish from Carlin?

That means he was about halfway done.

I'd say scooter is Pete (complete with Kermit and Scooter standing behind the podium during filming) and Gonzo is Frank (sans hat) or Twofer (sans Harvard).

Don't forget her #1 hit, "Synonym's just another word, for the word you want to use."

You walked into a room full of dancing stars and walked out with Tom Bergeron??

Yeah, she's always telling me to pause it (which when I'm playing smash or kart online, is impossible) so I can see what someone did on the Bachelor. Ugh.

If you do find yourself in old city (where all the historical stuff is located) you can check out Elfreth's Alley (oldest continually lived on residential street in America), Carpenter's Hall (a block or two from Independence Hall and location of the First Continental Congress in 1774), Washington Square Park, Betsy

Depends what you're into. Spruce St Harbor Park is a great daytime/evening hang out place, same with Independence Beer Garden (outdoor bar with corn hole, shuffle board, oversized jenga, fire pits, etc.) which is literally across the street from the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. National Constitution center is