
Yeah, I was in college at the time and I did get my roommates into it after I bought the first DVD set but it was so weird to watch such a great show and have no one else watch it. We were heartbroken once they cancelled it.

Arrested Development when it was first on the air and no one watched it, my brothers and I would quote that all the time and no one had any idea what we were talking about. We still say "hey brother" in Buster's voice whenever any of us see each other. Muppets and John Denver Christmas album, my gast was flabbered

Thanks! We're really enjoying it so far and it feels good to do work on a house that you own. Always hated doing work on my apartment (cleaning, shoveling snow, etc.) but I mowed my lawn for the first time the other day and there's a certain feeling of pride/satisfaction that goes into keeping a house that you own

Not sure how much I'm going to get to play this weekend. Going out of town for a friend's wedding. Should be back early Sunday, in which case I'll try to get some Splatoon in. Maybe Uncharted 2, and some Mario Kart online. But the wife and I just bought a house and moved in so I may be unpacking/painting Sunday.

I figured that was the case but whenever I tell someone to watch it and that it's streaming on Amazon, they say they don't have that and ask if it's on Netflix. I was just saying from a "get this show more popular" standpoint with no business critirea. In a perfect world everyone would recognize the greatness of this

Exactly, most other shows would be changing to try to attract more viewers. What they need to do is make the previoius seasons available across Netflix and all the streaming services and not just Amazon so that more people can binge and catch up. I friggin love this show.

My wife and I LOVE this show. So happy it's back. This show and The Americans need more people to watch them! Didn't even read this review because I don't want any spoilers no matter how minor.

I'm with you. I read JP at 9 or 10 years old (first adult novel I ever read) and went into a serious Chrichton phase. Andromeda Strain, Sphere, Congo, The Terminal Man, Eaters of the Dead, and probably one of my favorites; The Great Train Robbery. I loved that book. Man, I need to revisit these books. The book that

This was the first real novel I eve read. I loved dinosaurs as a kid (read all the dinosaur books in my elementary school library). The book came out when I was 7 (a tad too young). But I did read it when I was 9/10 before I saw the movie (which started my whole, "if there's a movie based off of a book" read the book

You keep that skoal baby, that's for you.

I tend to say, "sh*t'll buff out" a lot for no reason, even when said thing is not rusty. Also, "don't try to church it up". Damn, not I need to watch Joe Dirt. I also love the scene where he's listing off the fireworks the guy doesn't have.

It does suck his TV/movie career didn't pan out, but he's absolutely at his best when he's going back and forth with Conan. So while it stinks he didn't have more success as a leading man, I can't say I'm bummed to see him on Conan every night.

That Hardhome battle was perfection. Plus I love that they covered it in the show sine it's only brief 2nd hand tellings of it in the books.

I like how Tormund described him to the wildlings when you could tell they didn't trust Jon or didn't think Jon was a good fighter. He said something along the lines of "he's pretty but a good fighter, he's young, but a good leader". something like that. which is exactly how he is in the books too.

I don't know, I think anyone weilding Valyrian steel can take down a white walker. That's how they make it sound in the books (when Sam finds that entry about dragon steel working against the others). I think they may have been more impressed with the fact that one of the white walkers was bested by a dude. In the

I'm not into RPG games like that but I get exactly what you mean. Legend of Zelda and stuff are great (putting off starting Skyward Sword until I know I'll be able to play it through) but Skyrim and Final Fantasy games just aren't my cup of tea (plus, I hate tea). Even 9-11 hour games take me a while to beat now. But

Luckily my wife goes to bed early so I can normally squeeze some in at night (if I'm not too tired myself). It's great on weekends when we don't go out or travel (no kids yet so we still have the freedom to do that), she'll go to bed at 9pm sometimes and then I'll stay up until 3am playing games.

I definitely understand the "open world anxeity" thing, and for the exact reason he gives, "time is precious". Being married hampers the amount of time you can play and we just moved yesterday so I'm going to be unpacking for what seems like the next forever, so when I can hook up a game and play, I want to see some

Heading down the shore this weekend with my wife and her family. So I'll be leaving my PS3 and Wii-U behind. Luckily my wife's cousin brought his old school NES to the shore house 2 summers ago and left it there. So I'll be playing some Little League World Series (best baseball game ever made), Contra 2, Mario

But even that they would make that board just a room away from where Blaine was working is ridiculous. You know Gilfoyle and Dinesh are smarter than that. Obviously it had to happen so that big blowup would happen but it's not very believable that they would make that board in Homicide's workspace.