
That's true as well. Whatever gets Nick Cannon off this show faster is good with me though. Contrary to what Dave Chappelle's son thinks, Nick Cannon is not hilarious.

I think End Frame got their banner on their because AA was so pissed at Richard he would do anything to get back at him.

Plus a SWOT analysis is a real thing.

It's amazing how much her smile can light up the screen and how they basically never use it on the show.

Especially because she said she heard its name on the news. Weird coincidence.

It could be foreshadowing her starting to like him though. She's finally starting to see that he really does know her and cares about her feelings and all that.

You'll be eating your bone marrow custard through a straw!
That's actually how you're supposed to eat bone marrow—-ow!

Anything that gets Dean Winters back on TV is ok in my book.

Are there checkpoint flag poles on champion's road? I'm still going through the marathon house or whatever that's called and the last captain toad treasure hunt before I start in on champion's road.

There's a second session of splatoon tomorrow afternoon as well. 3pm EST I believe. I'm trying to get on tonight at 11 EST and play and then tomorrow at 3. I'm assuming you're central time? Based off the fact you said it's 10 tonight for you.

I don't have the NSMB games for Wii-U yet, backlog is bad enough as it is and I still need to get Bayonetta. But the one for Wii was a blast. My cousin and I played it for 8 straight hours the night after I got it. We'd finish a level and say, "Let's just play the next one and we'll stop", well that went on for about

Don't know it offhand, I've never had to give it out before. My brothers all have Playstations (as do I) but I'm the only one with a Nintendo. A lot of my friends aren't gamers either or stopped after Xbox 360. I'll check it when I get home and let you know. I'm always down to smash.

I just started in on daredevil (watched 4 episodes), I like it a lot. Way different than I was expecting.

Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Broad City.

I'll be playing Uncharted 2, Mario Kart online, Smash Bros and hopefully some Splatoon. Downloaded the beta thing yesterday. Hopefully get to play it tonight during the open time. Still towards the beginning of Uncharted 2 but I'm digging it so far. Can't get enough Mario Kart online. Let my wife watch Intervention on

Patricia Goodband, whose sister runs the Friday night bingo game at Our Lady of Reluctant Integration in Waltham…turns out last week that the game was won by Anne O'Connor, who mentioned that her niece, Nancy Donovan, got divorced and was running around with a hot-shot in New York City who pours scotch like a woman.

The way he turned around and smiled at the guys after he said that had me dying.

Yeah, when he wrote lead brainstormer I thought, that's not exactly what it was. Lead dreamer makes it even weirder and the fact that no one there thinks it's weird is what makes it funny.

I'm bad at pointing!

Yeah, I have 3 brothers and we're all pretty close in age (8 years difference between the oldest and youngest) and my parents made sure they would do stuff with us individually so it wasn't always a group dynamic.