
Completely forgot about that. Don't know how, I've seen it and liked it!

I was hoping for Owen Merryweather so Cersei would have those scenes with his wife. Oh well…

He's the guy Sam meets in Oldtown after he finds his room, right?

Tom Hanks. Just because he's so nice, it'd be cool to see him blasting people.

I'm so pumped for baby park, that track always turns into a slugfest. I'd like to see wario stadium from N64 and Koopa Troopa Beach from N64.

It seemed to me that Dimitri was foreign and couldn't speak english very well and that's why his vocabulary consisted of just his name. I could be completely wrong about that but it sounded like he had a thick accent.

Mario Kart 8 is so much fun, love picking that up and doing a couple online races while my wife watches something on TV. Can't wait for that DLC on Thursday, that's going to be awesome. I'm going to try to finish GOW2, just beat the first 2 sisters of fate so I should be done that game soon. Then Uncharted 2 on PS3

I'm with you though. If we could have 22 episodes a season of this caliber I'd be all for it. But I'm guessing if we had 22 episodes a season, by this point in season 3 (the end) we'd all be wondering why this show isn't as good as it used to be. But maybe if it was a little more crappy more people would watch it. I

"Hand held video games are his grandma now."

Yeah, that was amazing. I was half expecting Philip to fly off the handle and take out that guy.

Yeah, I don't understand how people can complain about the slow pace of the show when the payoffs are this amazing. I can't wait to see what Martha's reaction is or how much he tells her.
I feel that the mother-daughter trip to Russia might take place over the break so we don't see it and maybe get flashbacks or

Because if they tried to squeeze 22 episodes from this show then they would run out of storylines much quicker. As much as I would love more episodes of the Americans, I'll take 13 outstanding episodes a year over 22 ok episodes. This show is nothing short of fantastic.

But then what will the WIFI password be???? NORMAN???

Yeah, I mean the fact that The Americans is never up for ANY Emmy's is atrocious. I think Freddie Highmore and Vera Farminga should be nominated themselves (probably not win, but at least nominated as recognition for their work), but Bates is probably just below those other shows.

Yeah, Emma was asleep. How she could sleep through Norman yelling for his mother right in her face while she's sleeping in a chair is another thing, but crazier things have happened. Also, pretty cool shot when that scene began, made Emma look like "mother" from Psycho.

I'm going to miss the mercedes. I loved the clunking sound it made before she killed the engine everytime she stopped.

You know what hurts the most? The lack of respect. Well, except that other thing, that hurts the most. But the lack of respect hurts the second most!

Hold on, I'm talkin' to my FRIEND here!

I use that line whenever my friends announce they're having a baby. Hilarious to people that have seen the movie, not so much to the people who haven't.

I still love it, I don't think it's aged badly at all. The only line that's grating on my ears is when the guy tells him he's ruining Don Giovonni and he says, "Who's that DUDE??"