
That guy needs to buy a horse and live in the mountains somewhere and not bother anybody.

That's cool, I didn't realize stuff like that happened. I thought they were just doing that so that half the show wouldn't be in subtitles.

Am I the only one who still yells, "Wacky Shack!!!" whenever standing on something that isn't stable?

Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the ball!

I assumed she was the teacher. I base that assumption on absolutely nothing.

So the grandma understands english but doesn't speak it? Do the kids understand Chinese? They all talk to her in english and she responds in Chinese and no one there thinks that's weird.

It's not what she's done so far, it's what's implied that she did and what she will do. When Brienne shows up to Jamie after her encounter with LSH, Jamies notes how she looks 10 years older (possibly implying she died and was brought back) and then Brienne gets Jamie to go with her (most likely to LSH). So then that

I remain a Lady Stoneheart truther as well because that's a huge part of Brienne's future storyline and will be of Jamie's too (his last sceen in DwD). So we'll see. Not sure I like where this Sansa story is going but we'll see when they get there.

That's what I think too. I mean, they'll have to have someone fill in Mance's shoes to go to Winterfell if they aren't pulling the switcheroo.

It also had the flayed man of House Bolton on on of the rooftops. I definitely think we'll be heading there sometime soon.

He wouldn't be able to live on his own terms, he'd still be a pawn in a larger game. Or he's scared, his whole life he's been conning people and being the smartest guy in the room, but now he'd be a fish in a shark tank. I don't know. Maybe he just wants the easy way out.

Yeah, I really didn't like the electromagnetic stuff at the beginning of the season but it really did pay off. Now, Chuck is realizing the only person who really had his back during his "sickness" was his brother that he was stabbing in the back. I'm pretty sure Chuck's not going to like life where Jimmy isn't around

Finally going to finish GOW2, fighting the sisters of fate now. After that I'll probably start Uncharted 2 or Metal Gear Solid Revengence. Almost done Super Mario 3D World, on Flower World so I'll keep plowing through that. Maybe some COD online if I feel like running around popping people, Mario Kart 8 online too.

God of War games

Really solid episode but I'm glad they didn't keep going full speed and ramp up the craziness after last week. If they did that then the show would just evolve into one ridiculous thing after another and would become terrible. People complain that the show is slowly paced at times but I like that and it's definitely

I'm a big "hair" guy (if that's a thing) and she has beautiful hair. She should never cut it. The girl from Divergent had beautiful hair as well, so mad it was cut. I'm into other things as well (bewbs, butts, legs), so I'm not a complete weirdo.

I don't think it's unreasonable for Norma to think that, maybe if she had the same level of criminal experience but she was a man Romero would be all about it. I don't know. But I do think her inexperience played a part as well.

Man, I can't wait for both of these shows to come back. Silicon Valley was soooo funny last year and Game of Thrones is great. Sunday nights will mean something again! (other than Bob's Burgers and Brooklyn 9-9, of course).

I think maybe Romero didn't think she could pull it off because she has no experience in blackmail or being a professional criminal. Maybe it's because she's a woman, but I felt it was more that she was out of her depth because she's dealing with people who have no problem killing to get what they want, and she has

I agree that this show is great but I wouldn't put it up there with Breaking Bad. TV shows that I feel are approaching Breaking Bad are Hannibal, The Americans and potentially Better Call Saul (have to give it more than 1 season before making a decision on that). You can add True Detective and Game of Thrones on there