
Yeah, my wife and I were geeking out at that. Of course it's "mother", the all caps made it even better. Emma should change that though, if I went to a motel like that and that was the wifi password, I'd be really creeped out.

We can all agree, that bearded dude needs to go.

Loved the mustaches, loved Ken going back in to tell them he got the job at Dow and they'll have to work to keep him happy, especially because it annoyed Pete and Pete deserves to be annoyed all the time because he cheated on Allison Brie.

I think this episode had plenty of "action". People tend to think action=violence but I don't see it that way. I was on the edge of my seat just as much (if not more so) when they came home and Paige was waiting for them than if they were in the middle of a shootout. Again, that's just my opinion.

Yeah, I'm glad that they've found something for Henry to do. He's been in the background (the way way background) this season. Also, it's great that it's not just a storyline for him just to have him on the show more. He's reaching out for a father figure just like Stan is reaching out for a relationship like he wants

What an amazing episode. The part that really got me was at then end when Stan came over and Paige went into, "Holy sh*t, I completely forgot our neighbor works for the FBI. I'm in way over my head" mode. Just perfect. Be careful what you wish for, Paige.

Is it just me or does sitting on leather couches in the street drinking beers around a fire sound like a great way to spend an evening (or every evening)?

It's so weird going from watching Adam Devine on Workaholics to watching him on this. So weird.

Hey Norm! If you were a hot dog and you were starving, would you eat yourself? It's a simple question, Norm! (only made better by the fact he was talking to Collin Quinn right after Norm left).

Big fan of the ATT girl. Especially when she was in Silicon Valley. She looked soooo good in that.

And in New York there's plenty of Urban Fervor!

It's the eyes.

Not an RPG guy so Bloodborne won't be on my list this weekend. Hopefully I can finish GOW2 this weekend (just released the phoenix) so I can get into uncharted 2, going to get some Super Mario 3D world with some online Mario Kart sprinkled in somehwere. Plus NCAA tourney. Should be a fun weekend.

My favorite line is when Hawley is talking about the work the Dr was doing and says something about microbial miniaturization and Archer says, "I don't know, they're already pretty small" and Hawley has to specify that he's not talking about shrinking microbes. It was a lot funnier in the dialog.

That was hilarious. Partly because he wasn't looking at the head while he was slapping it and he was doing it so nonchalantly.

I thought the same thing. It should be a Philies shirt or nothing!

Rob, why are you wearing a Giants shirt? That should be a Phillies shirt.

The Native American background was pretty strange and out of left field but at least we found out we're not suppsoed to use the poop!

I'm guessing the cats are all dead and just slid to the corner and are piled up there.

Because he hates not watching the show, but he also hates watching it.