
I think it was more out of necessity. They couldn't have Martha plant anything else, and Gaad's office will be off limits due to how much the FBI is looking into the pen situation. This is basically their only way in at this point.

Is it sad that when Martha started talking about the mail robot and then they broke in to fix it the only thing I could think of is, "Oh man, the reviewer on AV Club is going to have love this!"? But what a great episode. I think Elizabeth also went with the pills instead of something more violent because when the

I liked the whole box of cereal.

Agreed on the Stop Making Sense comment. That whole album/movie is spectacular.

Well somebody did!

Gene jacket!

Dennis Duffy is one of my favorite characters ever. So many great lines. I need to rewatch 30 rock…

This show is amazing. The way they can keep you entertained and on the edge of your seat without big action/suspense sequences is truly masterful but add in the fact that they have these hugely suspenseful moments that totally pay off is incredible.

Non-stop dumps.

That killed me. The way he said it was great, also the look on his face.

Definitely thought that.

I don't like straight up role playing games, I like games with role playing elements (Zelda, etc) but not a fan of these games or Final Fantasy or anything like that. I get why people like them, but they're just not for me. I'll be sinking some time into GOW 2, I swear I'm going to beat that soon, just hard getting

I'm guessing the Pink Floyd song was Speak To Me/Breathe. Given thier mental state at the time, that's the perfect song to listen to.

Yeah, our marriage hinged on how she felt when the credits rolled in the Muppet Christmas Carol. She may have just said it to make me happy but I'll take it.

I love how Gina made Terry alter his tux to make it tigher. Her ongoing obsession with him is always funny to me.

I took that to mean that she has seen the movies but didn't want to admit to it out of fear of being labled a nerd or something like that.

True, but I also think part of it is that you can use the time between seasons to really see what worked and what didn't and change your approach. I'd imagine it's harder to do that mid-season while you're filming and all that. Then again, I could be completely wrong about that.

I did not, but I do bring it up a lot around them and tell them they have no souls. Not a single person in her family likes them, her parents, sister, brother, aunts, uncles, it perplexes the mind. She does like the Muppet Christmas Carol though, so that probably saved our marriage.

I loved the white talkers, some of the stuff he was saying was hilarious.

Jingle in the jungle and gravy boat (thanksgiving song)