
I'm loving Super Mario 3D World and will definitely be getting New Super Mario Bros Wii-U. Loved the Wii verson. My cousin and I (we were roommates at the time) played that for 7 straight hours one night (a lot of whiskey was involved) and we had a blast with it. About to give my Wii with a lot of the games I already

Agree with that. I mean I still need to get Bayonetta 2 (and 1 since it comes with it), once I'm done GOW2 I'm going to borrow 3 from my brother, still have Uncharted 2 and 3 to get through, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Rayman legends, Donkey Kong Country returns (and tropical freeze in the future), still haven't unlocked

-"The sauce is too salty."
-"I know, you got a potato?"
-"what is this, christmas?"

Yeah, it's definitely worrisome because when they give her good material and she's on, there's no one better.

Yeah, when I saw the name on the bottle I figured, whiskey, naturally. But the fact it was tequila made me laugh. That'd be like "Montezuma Irish Whiskey".

I'll be going through GOW2, Mario 3D World, probably do some karting online in Mario Kart 8, play some Super Smash Bros. Might throw in some NES Remix 1/2 and the punchout for Wii (downloaded on the Wii-U). Maybe some COD Advance Warfare if I feel like hopping online for a little bit.

That's my favorite line of anything that has ever been on TV. The reactions of the storm troopers next to him were classic, especially since they were wearing helmets and you can't see their faces.

"O'Dublin tequila? Ah, I mean a vodka I would understand. Those people know their way around a potato." Ah Archer, as someone with full Irish heritage I find your constant ribbing of the Irish HILARIOUS.

I heard that too but I think that might just be his first name. I believe Krieger was always his last name. I could be 100% wrong about this though.

The difference with between 50 shades and Dennis Reynolds' memoirs? Dennis' memoirs will show full penetration.

Thank you! I thought I was crazy when the reviewer didn't say anything about it, but there definitely was something with LED lights on it!

Archer for A, GI Joe for G (the 80's version), can't argue Simpson's over South Park although they're more of 1A and 1B than 1 and 2. I loved the critic when it was on, I was in middle school and I thought the show was great.

The movie that I heard shouldn't be on the list is The Boxtrolls. That's the spot the Lego movie should have, from what I've heard. I saw the Lego Movie and thought it was great, getting How to Train your Dragon 2 from Netflix tomorrow, no plans on the boxtrolls yet though.

"Bill Hader Wears A Grey Button Down Shirt & Sneakers" in season 2. I may have to watch it on netflix soon.

Best line of the night: "I'm just waiting for you to get to the terrible part."

I may cry when Reggie leaves. My favorite episode is the one where he's there via satellite and all his responses are delayed. That killed me.

Gun fever 3 times in a row.

"80% of accidents in the home happen in the bar area."
-"No, that's the bathroom."
-"Not in this house."

Last time was just a regular crime.

Probably have a better chance of women getting busted for that. A bunch of women in Atlanta got busted for bringing toys to Magic Mike when it came out. Theaters will be abuzz this weekend.