
Yeah. It's more like an 80s family comedy-drama, with swearing, than a typical cartoon though.

Yep. But it's more than the sum of its parts.

Would it feel better if she said she felt he work and intention was "suppressed" instead?

Oh boo hoo. Your pet theory died.

They would put it on the WSVN-7's midnight movie frequently. They had lots of great midnight movies on that channel.

Let's get Kenny Powers and Decker in a room together.

You can probably count me in as one of those fans. There's nothing wrong with her performance, but by the time John Simm's Master was over, I was pretty done with the Master.

Yeah, but the projector/doorways were hologram projectors. Who knows how "deep" the holograms are? The cast walked into the Tardis at one point, we saw them in Bill's apartment, etc.

I rationalized the email by thinking that the aliens did too good a job simulating his screw driver.

The simulation isn't running in parallel. It's running a bit ahead, apparently about one day. Otherwise, how could the aliens use the simulation to predict the future? They have to run the simulation in advance.

We only saw about one day's worth of the simulated time.

I get where you're coming from about the solution being "easy", but I thought it was just gut wrenching to see all those people realize the meaning of their life. Including the holo-Doctor.

I have to admit, I read that scene as if her date thought she was into some kinky poly stuff and ran as fast as she could.

Yes, and I liked the sympathetic portrayal of the Catholic church. The show didn't treat them like crackpots, or evil, or "just" esotericists, but as good people with a long history and faith.

No, but it had about 2 seasons worth of filler episodes that could have been cut out.

Murphy is immortal (though I suppose a headshot would kill him).

Google it.

The joke is that the election tampering service is free.

They had a 100 million dollar capital loss during a year when real estate was booming.

Not quite. The tax returns showed something. Trump wrote down a 100+ million dollar capital loss during 2004-2005, a time when commercial and residential real estate was hitting record highs. How does that work?