
Come to think of it, I think I have written this comment about the show and Nora multiple times. If she keeps acting out of character, maybe she never did. Maybe I just project intense commitment onto her. I like my head canon better.

But the Lawnmower Man was awesome.


I'm still catching up. Are there any reviews for the mini-serieses?

Nah. We just don't want our culture wars spilling over from the Hill onto here.

If I remember correctly, there were shape shifting monsters in "Susan Strong" and they did the same kinds of shapes as the "alien" in this episode.

Wouldn't she prefer to pull out Rattleballs?




But then how would it be a Time Lord?

Breezy was awesome.

I could have sworn he played Zathras on Babylon 5.

The Master crossed his own timeline and met Missy.

I thought the ending was relatively weak. I like Nora and Carrie Coons, but I don't really understand her story arc this season. She suddenly, virtually out of nowhere, gave up on Kevin? And then she essentially committed to suicide when they broke up? That doesn't sound like the lady who walked in on Kevin…

Liked 10, until I got bored of his routine. The Bad Wolf storyline was very good, as was the Doctor Donna storyline. Tennant was such a ham, I hate watching him now. It was like watching a 10 year old acting like BRIAN BLESSED!! doing SHAKESPEARE!!.

That wasn't their first offer. Sandpiper made a lowball offer, and Chuck countered with $20 million. The offer he suggested they take was for $17 million.

Better than Transformers? Faint praise.

Jumped the shark a long time ago.

Yes, but three quarters of the world's tornados happen in America. Most of those happen in the right-leaning Midwest.