
Here are all the Joe Biden pics on Know Your Meme:

And then the murders began.

And then the murders began.

Just wait until Trump appoints him Secretary of Agriculture.

All facism is, is industrialized feudalism. Don't underestimate it. The rich would love to be our nobility.

Aw, the snowflake, listening to his special snowflake Kawaii Viking Metal in his safe space, comes on to tell us we're snowflakes. You're not special.

Honestly, this "distraction" is a big spotlight on his Russian ties. If the FBI did a secret wiretap, then it means that they got a judge to issue a warrant. Federal law enforcement has been looking at Trump for months now.

It says that if Trump Tower was wiretapped, then a Federal Judge found probable cause that Trump was committing a felony before the election.

I have heard plenty of right wing whack jobs complaining about having to pay car insurance.

George is an interesting guy, but I find that talking about Adam Smith's views on economic rent tends to get more credible attention from conservatives, who see Adam Smith as an unofficial founding father.

Right, but amongst other things, many people actually like cars and machines and how they work. Many of these people complain that they can't find good work that engages their interests. (In other words, I'm saying you're excluding half the country).

Who needs genetic engineering when you can trick the underclass into not sending its kids to school? The morlocks are making themselves.

This is obviously a big, complex topic. And there isn't just one answer for all industries.

My automobile has an internal combustion engine. It is a so-called V-6, which means that it has six cylinders placed in a V configuration. Each cylinder contains an oscillating piston that moves in accordance to the four stroke SUCK, SQUEEZE, BANG, BLOW cycle. During the suck phase, air and fuel are pulled into the

I saw Crystal Pepsi on sale for 48c a bottle today.

While this episode is hilarous and there are still a bunch of great episodes after this, I feel like Deep Space Homer is where the Simpsons started to jump the shark. The premise is just too much.

Anybody want to go halfsies on a ton of pork rectums?

Sea salt?

I never watched Angles in America. It was coming out when I was a senior in high school, and it didn't look interesting, and then I went to college and didn't have HBO.

I grew out of that during Bush II's reign.