

Fake news!

A successful agent who broke the rules might know which rules need changing.

Republicans were the liberal party at the time.

They're pretty predictable if you always eat them on an empty stomach. The problem is they're inherently unpredictable if there is an unpredictable amount of fat in your intestine.

Oy, just wait until he implements tariffs…

The problem, for us, is that he did sound presidential, and his agenda doesn't sound so batshit crazy to the center. We're pretty screwed.

Honestly, if middle America thought trans people were just sick (e.g., from an incurable genetic disease that produced dysphoria as a symptom), trans people would be much better off. Middle Americans can have sympathy for sick people. They really can see that sick people don't deserve to be second class citizens.

Yup. A pharma company has been making "marinol" and other similar drugs since at least the 1990s. But, because of the stigma, it is made in small quantities and prescribed extremely rarely. By the 2000s, the stigma came down so much that if a doctor wanted to prescribe a cannabinoid, he would just tell the patient


Some of it wasn't awful. But it's Trump. Based on his previous behavior, we can only conclude his best is a lie.

It bodes well for the story. The movies are just flashy, plotless cartoons.

Except for the words and what they mean.

Too true. This conceit is basically the only explanation of the Force that really matters. Whenever the plot needs to move forward, a character uses the Force to become extremely lucky (to the point of effective physical impossibility, if he's good enough) at whatever he is currently doing. Like Lister taking a

(Lisa needs braces…)

Making Hollywood Great Again.

What else would they do? Go on a Twitter rant?

I like to remind people that millions of people are protesting, and that if Soros paid them, he'd be giving people more jobs than Wal*Mart.

It's not like globalization is a new thing. Nixon liberalized trade with China in the 1960s. It's been 50 years, and these guys are still "looking" for work.

Indeed, the Republicans do a great job of applying "Parrondo's Paradox" in a strategic situation. The Republicans are masters of winning by losing, because they when they do win, they steal billions or trillions, gerrymander, and manage to plant poison pills for the opposition to spend years cleaning up. Then, once