
Talk is cheap if nobody is paying for it.

(Fees imposed on service providers are taxes. Who ends up paying the tax depends on the elasticities of supply and demand for the product.)

Hello from the future! Just wait and see!

Including naming themselves after a real 70s German band.

When people tell me that garbage, I

Perhaps they need to find a safe space so they don't get triggered by criticism that they're rent seeking parasites.

Premiums only went up in red states where constituents dragged their feet and broke the law by not signing up on time.

I have spent a considerable portion of my day reminding Republicans that

Soros must be the biggest employer in America by now.

Who is the other one?

He was a good villain, too. He was a lot of fun on Agents of SHIELD.

A true conservative.

Don't say stuff like that. Don't give them ammunition or a reason not to listen.

It won't be as hard as you think. They don't have to go after users, but after all the companies who formed LLCs and opened stores and farms and whose records are available at each states' Attorney General's web page.

Yeah, but CBD was already available in prescription form before "medical marijuana" ever was a thing.

What do you have in mind? Raiding a pharmacy? The industry must have some warehouses somewhere…

Heh, there's only so much weed you can realistically keep before it goes bad. An ounce makes a pretty strong pound of pot butter. How much butter do you need?

I like that you're still thinking like a liberal, as if the Republicans were interested even in strategic compromise.

Bigger quantities are nice for things like edibles, especially since you can frequently get a wholesale discount. Or so I hear.

Read Daron Acemoglu's Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy.