
What's wrong with Oregon's program?

They should have had him play Bobby Wasabi.

Assassins. And, um, wasn't Salma in that movie about Selina?

It wasn't so hard to find.

It can be, if you stick it in the freezer and smash it.

Justin Theroux

Yes, we're in a proxy war with Russia. Russia wants to expand, and we don't want to let them. At the moment, we're using ISIS as a "screen" — i.e., we let the Russians fight ISIS and wear themselves down while we attack Assad. At least, that was the strategy we were following under Obama. I think today's strategy

He made a lot of money by betting against the British pound. He wrote a bunch of books about open and free societies that Republicans really really hate.

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Who did Doug Benson play on Mr. Show?

Welcome to Trump's America!

The point was that there were no cell phone towers nearby. That's why the criminals knew (and said) that there wasn't any service.

It could happen. Buy guys, keep them locked up. Stay safe out there.

How is the amen break not sampled more than the Funky Drummer? There have to be at least 1000 jungle songs that did Amen, plus tons of stuff in the 90s.

I'm concerned that 30% is a huge under-estimate, and that the same thing that happened during polling (i.e., the mixed company bias) is going on.

Worth it.

Ah, the benefits of a classical education.

Acai is a fruit, poke is a kind of fish salad.

The kind of marketing that makes you want to spend your money today to drink yourself to sleep.