
I haven't seen it yet, but I'm glad this is on. I'm looking forward to watching this show.

I still haven't seen Phantom Menace, but Jar Jar was hugely annoying during the Clone Wars.

EO7749: For each new Disney princess we make, we have to eliminate two.

I'm not a huge Kevin Smith fan, or Spawn fan, but this is kind of exciting. Kevin Smith, for all his faults, really does love the medium.

Do I know you from a different forum? Maybe not, but if so, good to see you!

I thought Dairy Queen invented the McFlurry.

Donald Trump/Kellyanne Conway would sell…

I'm like a season behind on Adventure Time. Last I saw, Finn hooked up with a Bee. And maybe there were crab apples.

Monopolies are probably the best example of what on about, though there are others, like "negative externalities" and other similar market failures.

Competitive markets are great for all of the reasons economists tell us. Free markets usually lead to uncompetitive markets and strategic behavior and rent seeking.

I liked and frequently drank Lagunitas IPA between 2000 and 2010 or so, until I started drinking Arrogant Bastard and 40s of PBR exclusively. I worked at Ninkasi for a few years, and I have tried hundreds of Oregon craft beers.

Take it home with you first.


Jean-Michel Jarre is touring?

Is 'relevancy' kind of like relevance?

No Kevin Conroy? TAS was the best on-screen Batman, at least until the early 2000s trilogy.

Hello from the future. He's dead.

Yup, wasn't the kill count into the 200s just during that one scene?

So they beat the Hot Shots Part Deux record?

Alright, I won't.