Michael Colbert

So does this mean we're months away from a "In like Flint" reboot? Or is Archer enough.

I think it was late 2012 I was working on a TV reboot pilot of "The Saint" with Eliza Dushku (not as Templar though that would've been a cool twist). We even had the original car from the TV series making a cameo in it. Obviously it never got traction. Why not take another stab?

Today Fox canceled it, but you make a good point; it'll be shopped around for a bit. The show was too smart for network TV; all the good stuff is showing up on streaming sites.

There was so much funny material that didn't make the cut. A whole bit where Nanjiani lists TV lawyers better than The Grinder (including a Franklin and bash call out and Sam Waterson by name). I think this was supposed to be a two parter (it felt like it shooting the thing) and got condensed into one. Hopefully some

I understand that Gotham takes place in the past, what with Bruce Wayne being 13 and all. Gotham has just never gelled right; near the end of season two and hardly anything sticks. I love elements like Bulloch, Alfred and Penguin but the parts don't add up to a coherent whole. Unless there is a huge turnaround in the

True that

The Bootstrap paradox

Also no words on Ezra finding a Knights of Ren Crossguard saber? Were the Knights of Ren a competing faction of Sith? Was this an all dark side throwdown?

Maul's clever positive reinforcement as a way to seduce Ezra to the Dark side was pretty astute. Better sold in 45 minutes than 2 hours of Revenge of the Sith.

what about the re-appearance of the odd owl like creature at the end of this ep? no mention of it? That beast has shown up twice, now on two different planets and is seriously connected to Ezra. Any thoughts guys?

Indiana Jones and the inflamed prostate

This was the best episode for Gotham since the Red Hood episode late in season 1

No comment about the best line in the episode; Snart: "This isn't my first prison break."

for that fact why didn't Snart cold gun Savage up to his neck back in the 70's and be in the room when Carter and Kendra gave the death blow.

We did wake and before he had a chance to check on Peggy got the news about the station being under attack. I think he bolted to help the rest of the cops. He might now be as sharp because of the rifle butt to the head and forgot about Peggy in the crises.

No mention of the alien abduction of Hahnzee in this episode?

I think the rabbit scene shows that he has no illusions and isn't fooled by them. I just started watching this season but I suspect Redskin will be more of a wildcard that originally presented as the season goes on.

The last two eps were disappointing to me but this one had action, laughs and big screen star ship explodo. Enjoyed the hell outta it.

yeah that got a good laugh out of me too