Michael Colbert

Favorite bit Dean: I was thinking of you guys being thanksgiving and all.
Stu: Its September!
Dean: I know that's when we shoot the thanksgiving episode.
Which is generally true for Network TV BTW (in fact this ep was actually shot in september)

You'll be happy to know; there will be much more Olyphant coming.

STRAY OBSERVATIONS missed a gem of an easter egg! When the Doctor looks through his cards one says "It was my fault, I should've known you didn't live in Aberdeen." This is a call back to the 4th Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith.

I thought Skaro's past was time locked because of the time war. Technically the Doctor shouldn't be able to go there. Just like last season in "Hush" when the Tardis brought Clara to Gallifrey and a child Doctor. On the other hand that was a beautiful capping scene for "Hush" and I had NO idea that that kid was

I hope BBQ films takes more care than the production of Blade did; dozens of extras came down with a disease from exposure to the fake blood used in the scene. Not a good thing in the least.

I'm surprised there has been no mention of the "Greg Dulli stole my essence" joke that has been in every episode but one this season.

Rolling Stone resents the 100 best songs of the Rolling Stones, A special issue. Like that list needs to be around this day and age. I sure it hasn't changed much since the last time they did it in the 80's

There is last year's ditty "joel the lump of coal" which was oddly moving but "Big red sled" is a heavy rotation in my Christmas playlist,

I wasn't impressed with Sam's town at first but repeated listening really made the songs "pop" as it were. The real gem is the "B" sides collection "Sawdust"; lot of cool tracks there.

If you look closely some of those outside night shots are blue screen.

I'd be funny if she did one of the spider man movies, just to throw everyone off.

The fish oil bit reminded me of the plot for Skrull Kill Krew; skrulls as cows are eaten by humans and humans develop skrull-ish powers. That and the "It'll change your life" log line on the bottle made it clear to me that AOS was having a laugh.

From a content point of view Constantine felt derivative. Regardless of the fact that "Hellblazer" set the standard in comics. A victim of its own success in a way. Supernatural has been ringing this bell for a decade now and you don't have to look much further than Cas wearing the Constantine ensemble to see the

I was rooting for the Ogre to kill Barbara; sure, not cannon but Gotham could use a break from the weight of obligation. Start by fixing the plot device fail that is Barbara.

In watching the movie my girlfriend pointed out that the flowers Stone brought are the kind that used to be around dead bodies when it was laid out in a home pre-funeral. To bring them to a living person is, at best, bad luck. There are bad omens all over that movie; another being the talk of Macbeth - a serious

You know Boba is too popular (and a bad-ass) to have died in the sarlacc pit.

I worked with Jon on "The Division" for two and a half seasons. So there's my legacy, I guess.

wasn't there different classes of Jedi in the role playing game? Windu fell into a kinda Jedi "power hitter" type of classification with a bigger focus on offensive abilities. This would explain how he almost took out palpatine.

Nothing about Fulcrum? Though Rebels makes a point about the mystery of Fulcrum it seems a foregone conclusion that it's Bail Organa. The Ghost is docked right next to this blockade runner for goodness sake.

I was thinking Lando but he'd be pretty young at this point.