Michael Colbert

The only good track on The Brown Album was "Puddintain". The rest was forgettable.

Wright said in a Q&A that he even got the rights cleared BEFORE he shot a foot of film because everything hinged on co-ordinating the songs. If something was messed up it wasn't on Wright's end

Fred refined the nervous reaction shot through an entire season of "The Grinder"

Can't happen soon enough. Cmon karma lives and a whole country are at stake

😆 Jim laughs too

Jim; the mean people keep saying I colluded with Russia. I don't even know what colluded means.

Me too. A savage fight with machetes and tasers set to "Uptown Girl"! Gold!

There is also "Heroes in Hell" book series from the 80's. Hitler was sidelined but Che Guevara was leading a guerrilla war against Satan along with many other historical figures in that series.

Mulan szechuan dippin sauce Morty! It's my story arc!

Same here; my dad voted for Trump and still denies his collusion with Russia. He bought the hard right narrative hook line and sinker calling Obama a "crook". This is a man who was a Carter supported and called the Vietnam war "bullshit" even being a marine in it. I think the older you get the more difficult it is to…

We said that too

The line that Ray Wise says about the VW Bug "It's been cleansed of all it's sins" is that a specific reference to some other Cohen Brothers movie? Nearest I could find is the Cohen's recurring use of color green as evil.

A lot of what Varga said was obfuscation. There wasn't anything he couldn't talk circles around except Gloria. That line was probably a distraction tactic.

"…how it ultimately comes down to the way humans need patterns and story to forge reason from chaos, and how the stories we choose are as much (or more) about who we are as they are about reality."
Doesn't this describe Chief Mo, probably the most vulgar character in the show, to a T?

Saw him several times with Dulli on tour. Hell of a axe man. Damn shame.

all those Atari games are already on plug and play

Already Pre-ordered.

Davies didn't even really want to do Miracle Day. It was sorta forced on him and it shows.

Bill: Nardol are you becoming a bad-ass?
Nardol: I AM a bad-ass sweet cheeks and don't you forget it!

when are movie mash-ups coming? Imagine: Escape from Madison County!