Dick Hertz

I'm saying this publicly — well, as public as you can get behind a fake name. If I ever get the chance to punch Richard Spencer in the face, I'm going for it. I'm a middle-aged professional, but I'm willing to gamble with an assault charge.

Fuck Bill Maher. I probably agree with him politically on 95 percent of things, but if given a chance, I would slug him in the mouth. Fucking old Baby Boomer with weird issues with women and Muslims.

As long as this doesn't keep him from playing the Master in Doctor Who, I'm OK with this. Dear God, they need to cast him as the Master. And just say "Play him like Ramsay Bolton. Keep the sadism, but less rape and sexual violence."

I can't wait for him to OD on cocaine. Or for someone to slug the shit out of him.

I'm pretty sure he slept with her too. That had to be like putting your penis in the queen at the end of Aliens.

Which one? I would LOOOOOOOVE to see Milo get the Richard Spencer treatment. LOVE. It wouldn't be awful to see Bill Maher get punched either.

Now would be the time for Trump to call in a drone strike on the studio. I probably agree with Bill Maher's politics 95% of the time, but I think he's a horrible asshole and I refuse to watch his awful show.

I can't wait until this asshole ODs on coke.

I ate at Twin Peaks a couple of times - My wife actually suggested we go there for a laugh, but we were both surprised how good the food was. Like it was as good as Chili's, which is about the top end for a place like that. I haven't been in ages, so maybe the quality has slid. I know it's a little trashier than

The Grammys have always sucked. Before last night, David Bowie had one Grammy. I think Christopher Cross has far, far, far more Grammys than The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Kinks, Queen, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin combined.

I've heard the exact opposite.

If I called Texas health officials, could I get Alex Jones committed for a week or so? He needs to be in therapy, taking the sort of medications you use to calm down a Clydesdale.

Please have Leslie Jones play Bannon. Or Trump. I know she looks nothing like either man, but it would put the Breitbart klan in a rage.

The more you see of Moffat's stuff, the more you get tired of it. I loved "Blink", "Silence in the Library" and "The Empty Child". The first two seasons of Sherlock were great too. But I've gotten sick of his writing for Doctor Who (Listen and Heaven Sent to the contrary) and I've given up on Sherlock.

I think it came out recently that Chiwetel Ejiofor had accepted the part after Tennant left, but he backed out. I think he would have been great. I'm strongly opposed to the Doctor being a woman or an American, but I don't have a problem with a non-white actor in the part. (Matter of fact, if they HAD to go American,

In a perfect world, Colin Firth or Michael Sheen would be the next Doctor.
Of course, this isn't a perfect world…..

Did anyone actually like this band? I know they sold a lot of records, but they were just so boring and whitebread.

People need to get #arnoldisthebestapprenticehost trending on Twitter after the first episode airs. (or something shorter, but similar) It will make Trump's head explode.

Just like the term "SJW", if you use the word "cuck", I'll just instantly assume you're a braying jackass and save myself time and trouble.

And Ted Nugent. Maybe Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter will get awards too!