Dick Hertz

So being disturbed by the number of Islamic terrorist attacks and the number of "moderate" Muslims who support these terrorists and their actions is "Islamophobia" ?

Your mom is cancer.

You're killing your father, Larry.

Jimmy's mom,
The reason the AV Club only post critical articles about Jimmy Fallon is because he sucks monkey nuts.
Dick Hertz

Hang it up old man. Just go sit at a country club bar, drink too much Johnny Walker Red, pat waitresses on the ass while you drone on about how blacks, Mexicans and liberals are ruining America.
Or just have a fucking heart attack. That would be great too. Doubt your kids will miss you much.

I'm not shocked by this story.

Ohhh, I may try the black beans! Football season is coming up, time to get back to cooking this stuff.

People hate Trump, and there's a hunger for a trashy tell-all book. But go take your talking head gig on Fox News and don't rock the boat. Just take what they dole out to you.

Exactly. "Oh, I could get two loaves of bread and show I was aware of the joke. Instead, I'll take half a loaf and go in the Fox News ghetto. That's all I deserve."

What a piece of shit. You know, after he quit he could have done cool stuff, like write a blistering tell-all and joke about his image. Instead, he goes straight to Hannity and starts auditioning for his Fox News gig. Fuck you Sean Spicer. I bet your wife fucks every man in your neighborhood the minute you walk out

I really can't wait for the day it comes out Sean Hannity has been sexually harassing 15-year-old boys.

I'm surprised they only pay the Doctor $325,000 a season, being that the show shoots for 8-9 months out the year, there's a ton of international publicity that goes along with the role and the series is a cash cow for the BBC.


I've been a fan since 83 and I feel the same as you. I hope she's great. At least Moffat isn't going to write her character. He would have made the Doctor the biggest manic pixie dream girl in the universe

What pisses me off is that this shit is always a one way street. It's not the fault of the high school grad for being intimidated by fucking deli meat. Just like when that racist asshole Charles Murray goes on about city-dwelling elites being out of touch, it's because they can't name NASCAR drivers. Rural whites in

"Ivanka is hurt that she hasn't been invited to the Met Ball since her father tried to set up internment camps for Muslims. She was against the idea"

I'm sooooo looking forward to the "Poor Ivanka is being shunned by New York society because of how horrible her father was" stories that will run for the rest of my life

You look up "mediocre white man" in a dictionary and you would see his smug face. I would sooner slide toothpicks up my dickhole than watch his HBO show.

I can't wait for Hannity to get hit with a sexual harassment complaint. And if hoping it comes from a 14-year-old boy makes me a bad person, so be it.

Obama wasn't born in America = racist