Dick Hertz

You know those two cretins have vacationed on a private island where you can hunt prostitutes with a crossbow. You know this.

That orange asshole really does bring out the worst in pretty horrid people. What a great legacy.

The Huckabees are a really shitty family.

It's people like you who make me hate America.

Here's another one: Is it too late to cast Tatiana Maslany as Jean Grey?
Give her a couple of hundred bucks and point her in the direction of a salon. Or buy her a good wig.

She's shown the acting range of a block of wood through six seasons of Game of Thrones.
Is it too late to cast Karen Gillian as Jean Grey?

I'm old enough to remember when there was talk Jessica Simpson would play Dazzler in either X2 or X3.

What's depressing is that renewable energy sources, a field with huge growth potential around the world, is getting ignored by Trump. Because real men mine coal and girly-men with man buns make solar panels.

I think the worst people in America are the CEOs of coal companies.
Eat shit and die, Bob.

What is the audience for these movies? I figure the movies are aimed at dumb 16-year-olds. If you're an adult watching this shit, you ought to be ashamed.

It's probably some sort of horrible narcissism, that HIS opinion matters so goddamn much that it must be shared with the world. America would be a better place of O'Reilly was some loudmouth at a bar, drinking too much Johnny Walker Red, braying about blacks and Mexicans and trying to get a cocktail waitress to come

Can't this tired, bitter old fuck just shuffle off and leave the rest of us alone? Few people under the age of 70 give a rusty fuck what you think about anything. Just take all the money you got from selling hate and fear to old people and go to the country club bar.

I realized a few years ago that Ace Frehley and Vinnie Vincent were the only members of KISS worth a shit musically.

Is Alex Jones the worst fucking person alive?

Anyone who listens to what Alex Jones says is either a total fucking moron or an unhinged lunatic. So which one are you, snowflake?

Anyone who listens to what Alex Jones says is either a motherfucking moron or an unhinged lunatic. So which one are you, snowflake?

Anyone who listens to what Alex Jones says is either a fucking moron or an unhinged lunatic. So which one are you, snowflake?

She ought to bring out a Sandy Hook parent during the interview. Maybe that would cause this cocksucker to swallow his tongue.
The press doesn't nearly beat up Trump enough over his ties with this asshole. Someone ought to ask Spicer if Trump thinks Sandy Hook/the Boston Marathon bombing/9-11/etc were all "false

The world became a much better place when Andrew Breitbart died. I would have no qualms about telling his widow and kids that to their faces.
When Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson finally drop dead, it will be very difficult for me to not post "The world became a better place today" on social media.

I eagerly look forward to the day that Milo has a heart attack caused by taking too much cocaine.