Dick Hertz

God, I wish Charlie Brooker would write a Doctor Who episode. I think his worldview with Peter Capaldi's cranky Doctor would go together like peanut butter and jelly. And if they could throw in Iwan Rheon as The Master and say "Play the part like just Ramsay Bolton, but without the sexual violence." that would be

Probably Dr. Oz. He used to be a hot shit heart surgeon in New York. Now he peddles garbage on TV. I mean, if you're a big time surgeon in New York, you're living in the top income tax bracket. It's just greed to throw that away and sell crappy diet drugs.

I liked Embryonic a lot. I liked Jay and Silent Bob a lot. But that's it.

I put Kevin Smith and The Flaming Lips in the same category: people who made great stuff that I still really like, but now I actively despise them for the garbage they've dumped on the public for the the past several years.

To be frank, I had more of an issue with him doing TV spots for Wal-Mart meat than the Twitter rant. If you had options, who would choose to buy a Wal-Mart steak?

Greg Gutfeld is one of those guys who is so mad that Jon Stewart and John Oliver are political sages and Stephen Colbert hosts a network late night talk show, while he has a BS show on Fox News in a terrible timeslot. His mom tells him he's as funny as Stephen Colbert and John Oliver. Where is his network talk show!?!

If it's any consolation, MRA types who sit in basements and hack celebrities aren't getting much play from the ladies, so the odds of them reproducing are slim.

Wow. He really needs a brutal ass-whipping. And if he posted that, he better hope to God his fingerprints aren't within a country mile of that hack or her lawyers will eat him alive.

He really is a character from a Bret Easton Ellis novel come to life.

Leslie Jones goes on a tear Tweeting about the Olympics and people respond. NBC flies her to Rio, puts her up in a nice hotel and she gets to hang with a huge movie star and athletes.
Meanwhile, the MRA types who sent her racist tweets are getting yelled at by their moms about how they need to get out of the basement

There's a lot of talk on fan message boards about how RTD and Eccleston didn't get along. There's even a school that says it comes down to homophobia. I think RTD has said he felt bad about how the first season was so disorganized and that it was unfair to Eccleston, who was a professional who wanted his co-workers to

See, I was an old school fan going back to 83. My interest in the show waxed and waned from 86 to 06. (I made a point of watching the TV movie and thought it was OK. And one of the first things I got from Netflix was Remembrance of the Daleks. I re-watched Pyramids of Mars that way too.) Rose turned me off so much, I

Capaldi is an acid version of Tom Baker. Or Colin Baker with better writing and better fashion sense. (As much as I've been turned off with the last two seasons, even the lowest points were head and shoulders above Timelash and the Twin Dilemma)

At least once a year, I'll have a few too many cocktails and my wife will be asleep and I'll end up watching that speech, Matt Smith's Pandorica speech and when he pops up in When a Good Man Goes to War.

I think I read somewhere that Eccleston's mother died right before he started filming Doctor Who. Apparently, they were very close, so it was an awful time for him. And Russell T. Davies has said that the whole first season was a bit of a mess, with shooting being constantly behind schedule. Because the season was

Smith was good at playing an old man in a young man's body. Although, watching the Day of the Doctor, you realize how similarly he and Tennant played the role. I would love to see a Two Doctors or a Christmas special with him and Capaldi — I imagine sparks would fly.

Tennant's first two seasons and Matt Smith's first season were outstanding television. And there have been standout episodes here and there (Heaven Sent, Listen, Asylum of the Daleks). Now, the last season was not good at all, which sucks, because Capaldi is probably the best Doctor ever.

Children of the Earth was one of the best things ever on TV. RTD really excelled at doing those huge stories where the whole planet was in danger.

I'm pretty sure I saw him in one of the expensive boxes. He did the voice over for the Obama video that aired before the speech. It would have been bad-ass if he did it as Heisenberg.