Dick Hertz

Jesus Christ, there are some stupid fucking people in this world.

My other Korn story involves going to a New Orleans strip club 10+ years ago and one of the dancers had the band's logo tattooed on her butt in 6 inch high letters. I imagine she regrets that now.

My wife used to be a flight attendant and Korn were on one of her flights. Said they were really nice guys. Jonathan Davis asked her for extra bags of snack mix and she hooked him up. In return, he gave her a bag of pot. Sadly, since regular random drug tests were part of her job, she had to give it to someone else.

Thanks, I fixed it. No way that guy would get snubbed for that show. Shoot, Bloodline made him a go-to bad guy for stuff like Rogue One and Ready Player One.

Capaldi would be a great bad guy in a Star Wars movie or a Ghostbusters movie. For some reason, I can picture that…..

As a huge Doctor Who fan, I'm a little bummed that David Tennant didn't get nominated for Jessica Jones. I figured Capaldi getting nominated for the show was a real long shot, but thought Tennant had a shot.

I really hope this movie is good and a hit. Maybe it will inspire some of the worst assholes to move out of mom and dad's basement, shave their necks and interact with human beings face to face.

That's a guy whose death made the world a better place. The past few months have sucked with Lemmy, Bowie, Merle Haggard, Alan Rickman and Prince dying. Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson or Ted Nugent needs to have a massive coronary just to kind of even things.

Alex Jones is probably mentally ill and he should be under treatment and taking medicine. Instead, he has a platform to shout unhinged things from. What a country!

Yep. Lemmy, David Bowie and Merle Haggard are dead and this old asshole still lives. He's on some ad about how you need to take your money out of banks before the coming economic crash. One of those things that's aimed at gullible, confused old people.

Yep, I'm married to one. Although she admits that the show has gone down in quality in recent years. It drives me bonkers that my wife watches that show, yet she has yet to see an episode of Firefly.

He's probably the best actor to hold down the role. Since 2005, they've really nailed the casting of the Doctor. Christopher Eccleston was great, then along came David Tennant, who was even better; Matt Smith, who was better than him, and Capaldi, who may be the best of them all. It's too bad Capaldi has been

I'm from Louisiana. I apologize for these horrible, fake-ass rednecks. Most people in the southern part of the state are sick of them. Sadly, they'll be endorsing horrible candidates for office for the next 50 years.

I guess this means there will be a Doctor Who aftershow when the series comes back in 2017.

The ultimate "I'll be alone in my bunk"
Jessica Alba 10-15 years ago starring in the I Dream of Jeannie movie.

I like Stephen Fry as Mr. Steed. But Emma Thompson — who is a very attractive woman and a fine actress — isn't hot enough to play Emma Peel. I'm thinking more Elizabeth Hurley or Catherine Zeta-Jones in a leather catsuit.

Ehh, I hadn't thought that far ahead. I figured Dre would be the ringleader and Snoop would be his right hand man. They would be robbing the place because Dre was a half-assed guy on the fringes of the music biz who needed a big score. Like the sort of dude who drives a SUV that's a rolling billboard for an album his

These would have been great late 90s movies

I really hope there's a gag about MRAs in the movies. Please have a guy with a fedora and a neckbeard who lives in the friendzone. Actually, what I would love to see would be a movie that was a vicious, no-holds barred satire of GamerGate. Of course, the problem is that the people who would be targeted by this have

Agreed. I would love to see Capaldi interacting with the Torchwood team. If the rumors are true and there won't be a full series in 2016, that would be a great special. Maybe they could also show how UNIT/Torchwood work together or don't work together.