Pierre Menard

And I do understand that people have an issue with idiots using it as fodder, but those idiots already held those beliefs, and throughout all of history idiots have been using art to further their own ends…In a country of a few hundred million, this is gonna happen* and I'm not a believer in criticising art because of

Fair enough. At least you're consistent in your beliefs.

Whilst it's true the scale isn't the same, there's still a lot of Che (and his ideology) support in other countries and the film actually did really well with those people, including people involved within the revolution (people who have committed vastly more atrocities than the local redneck ever has). Chavez was

"So make another movie about him and do the 2nd part. It's not this movie, and that's fine"

It's a public service. I do the best I can.

That's nice.

I one hundred per cent believe in separating the film-making from the politics, and it's something I've encouraged time and time again around these parts. I'm not going to try to qualify it though with whether or not it pretends or doesn't pretend to be political, I'm gonna judge it on it's quality as a film, and I'd

Sometimes I wonder if the commentators around here who were outraged by AS and it's looking past his flaws were equally outraged by a movie like Soderbergh's 'Che'…a biopic of a far worse human being whose real dark side was mostly evaded in the film.

Shakespeare's King Henry IV Pt. 2 - an incredible play, one of the finest in fact. What can you say? It's Shakespeare, the greatest. The language is equal parts beautiful and bawdy, majestic and raw. Shakespeare is a master of tone, his ability to go from the low bawdiness of Falstaff, to the stately seriousness of

I've always wanted a Lewis and Clark series, so I hope this is good.

Resisting truth in the face of ideology is something that all people from all beliefs are capable of though, and it's not something I put just at the feet of conservatives. Beyond that, 'truth' can be a largely subjective idea outside of certain scientific sureties, and again, I don't even believe that is inherently

My comment was basically another way of saying " there are people from every type of ideology, conservative or non, that aren't introspective about there beliefs, and singling out one entire group and flat out saying they're incapable of it overall is about as un-nuanced and simplistic as it gets.

Not particularly. Terms like 'introspection' and even 'empathy' (in the sense they're being used here) largely seem to be subjective. If on a base level, empathy (In an artistic sense) means you can create identifiable characters or ideas that show a sensitivity or understanding of humanity, then of course I think

'Artistic traditions' are not necessarily the same as 'political traditions' (in fact, they're largely very different). Not to mention that many great artists (especially in the visual arts) were largely inspired by what came before and acknowledge and used the great art of the previous tradition to branch off and

Lol. It's funny seeing someone talk about introspection and an ability to question pre-determined world views and opinions, basically talking about the need for subtlety and nuance…whilst simultaneously putting forth a completely and utterly simplistic, narrow-viewed, laughably un-nuanced view of the world and people.

I think an award at a film festival should represent the best filmmaking. Not the film that tickled our political balls the most (Moore has technical filmmaking ability of course, particularly in regard to editing and sound, but it was not the best film there that year, nor does it hold up).

Thanks! Borges is one of the most deeply important artists to me of all time. I couldn't possibly put it into words. He fundamentally changed the way I view art and literature in particular, and led me on the path to numerous other writers. I owe a debt to him I'll never be able to repay and I find his work endlessly

- The Poems of Osip Mandelstam (Beautiful)
- Commentary on the Old Testament (I've said numerous times on here that The Bible is a wonderful work of literature, especially the King James translation, and I'm in a constant state of reading and re-reading it. At the moment I've got multiple versions going, with extensive

Well, this article isn't about 'a shitload more people', it's about Che, therefore ranting about Che makes perfect sense.
No one is shocked that leading a revolution involves killing people, but that also doesn't absolve you for said killing, especially of innocent people, and criticising him as a murderer is

When someone (like Bender) is that far gone, it's best not to engage them in serious debate. No one of any real worth will ever take such idiocy seriously and 'history' will forget people with such a deranged and laughable view of history and politics.