Pierre Menard

Yes, Trump is a fucking moron who idolises anyone who flatters him, big news. His administration still isn't Putin's, and more than that, The Republicans are not even close to the same level of Putin and to even imply that is disrespectful to the people who do suffer under Putin's autocratic rule, which is what I was

"If nothing else, Oliver Stone’s doc teaches us that Vladimir Putin is the Eastern European equivalent of a right-wing Republican."

I despise Donald Trump, digusted by the result and I think the Republican Party has been a total shambles for a number of years…but, I guess I'm just waiting and wondering when huge numbers of the left are going to own up and take some of the blame for the current state of affairs? Oh I know I know, crazy right? This

Robert Herrick - Selected Poems

Hopefully this time they can make a film that isn't as redundant, dull, unoriginal, and uninteresting as The Force Awakens was.

Uhh, the correct answer for number 1 is the McDonalds Cheeseburger. It's always been the McD's Cheeseburger, it will always be the McD's Cheeseburger. There is nothing as satisfying as (actually 2 or 3) a McD's Cheeseburger. I'd make love to one if it weren't so disgustingly (but deliciously) greasy.

I'm aware. But it's so obvious.
When a thinkpiece is written basically saying "hey guys, politics and are art are complex, let's not pigeonhole", it's hard not to look back and go 'well, duh'. At the same time, maybe that isn't fair because so many people don't, but I do appreciate the humour of it appearing on this


'Stardust Memories' is one of my very favourite Woody Allen films, so it's nice to see another fan. I guarantee you, it gets even better on the third and fourth rewatch too.

Uhhh, no AV Club editor, it's not "Hulk Hogan's fault", it's Gawker's fault, for being a disgusting rag of an outlet that infringed on people's privacy. Gawker has gotten everything it's deserved.

Passion of the Christ was a great film (people who reduce it to 'torture porn' are shallow and simplistic beyond belief) and Gibson is a very talented director, I'd watch anything he did.

Sure it's in-bounds for critical discussion, anything is really, that doesn't make the critical judgement being discussed in this article particularly worthwhile and especially in this case - well thought out, nuanced or argued well. It's a poorly written piece with assumptions and projections.

Oh for fuck sake! It was a video on his own channel for his own fans who knows he reviews big pop culture movies and would probably be interested in his opinion on the thing. Way to blow something entirely out of fucking proportion. Beyond that, whilst it's okay to recognise that there are some sections of people who

…And just when you thought "HateSong" couldn't be more insufferable and up it's own asshole, we get this.

Midnight Special: Rock solid film, beautiful and thrilling, Jeff Nichols is one of the best currently working directors. I love how well he handles familial emotion without overt sentimentality or corniness. He also has a fantastic ability to find great child actors as well. Anyway, great cast, great directing, great

I'm still waiting for the day the "Here's why this character is actually *insert adjective*" internet stuff dies a painful death. Hopefully it happens before I die a painful death.

It's fine to just not find something funny, which is different to going out of your way to make a response video that goes beyond just 'not finding it funny'. It also doesn't change the fact that a bunch of people fundamentally misunderstand Cinemasins or take it way too seriously and make fools of themselves in the

Let me guess, another person who takes CinemaSins way too seriously, and in the process makes themselves look pretty silly? It's a lighthearted comedy channel that mixes absurd criticisms for humour with the occasional decent point here and there. The way that people get themselves worked up over the channel is

Um, maybe because 'respect' is not dependent upon the amount of money she's earned? The fact that her movies make money doesn't mean I suddenly find her funny, nor does it mean that her movies are deserving of respect.

Similar to my experience, found the pacing to be awful, gotta rush through everything as fast as possible to get to the next scene and the next scene and so on. Ended up being a very hollow movie for me.