Pierre Menard

Smith is my all-time favourite musical artist. His music has helped me through some of the darkest periods of my life, and will always hold a very unique place in my heart.

Holy Jesus, what an insufferable douche.

I have an underlying issue with this notion of "You can change it, go out and vote with your wallet, it's the right thing to do", which is brought up regularly around here and was in this article too a bit. This notion that your viewing habits should be based around "doing the right thing" or some form of social

Still a great and worthy comic. It doesn't need to satisfy my worldview to be 'good', I don't necessarily buy into everything Miller says (though i do believe critics are far too black and white in their interpretations anyway), but the way he says it is what is great, there's a uniqueness to the writing, to the world

The problem with so much criticism around Dickinson is that everyone projects on her what they want, from feminist critics who want to turn her into a radical, other critics that uphold her image as some spinsterish weirdo, critics like the one described in this review who constantly feel the need to try to fit her

Whilst true, I always held out hope he'd be a convert one day.

Goddamn, that's so sad. The Larry Sanders Show is one of the greatest shows of all time.
I hope somewhere he's enjoying a salty dog. Rest in Peace.

The snarky criticisms of Hogan (which are irrelevant to the case) and coded defence of Gawker by some of The AV Club writers is disgusting. Gawker are a cesspool that deserve everything they get; an awful site, they're the sort of shit you excrete that takes you 45 minutes to properly wipe up.

As much as I hate themed days, it would have been cool if The AV Club could've done something poetry related for World Poetry Day, even just used it as an excuse to do a poetry themed FoC, AVQ&A, or whatever. Especially considering the literature aspect of the site is always so lacking, especially in capital L

All That Jazz - Great film. Inventive camerawork and editing, a powerhouse performance from Scheider, smart directing and some wonderful pieces of choreography. It's chaotic but controlled and melancholy but lively at the same time. Nice transfer from Criterion too with some cool special features.

This movie is going to be a disaster. It was never going to work.

Jesus, what a non story.

Your political issues with it are irrelevant to it's overall quality, highly subjective and not really worthy of taking into consideration.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens -

The Revenant -

I don't need spite to see a film from a couple of my favourite filmmakers!

Eh, the clear ideological hang-ups of the reviewer make me not really take the review all that seriously.

I'm really started to wonder when HBO will develop another classic series. it's almost been ten years since the last one ended!

The biggest controversy is that some reviewers can separate the art from the artist? Why is that a controversy? That doesn't make any sense really. I'd say it makes them at least somewhat competent as reviewers.

Haha, launching 'civil disobedience actions'. It's already hard enough (or impossible) to take Communists seriously, let alone people who admire horrible political leaders, but even more so when this is what they've resorted to wasting their time and effort on.