Pierre Menard

He was a scumbag and a murderer.

Calvary - Great film. Gleeson is truly one of the best actors going around, and McDonagh is already such an assured director, with such a great control of tone and atmosphere. It's shot beautifully and the script is really good. Each character is given just the right amount of backstory, and just the right amount of

I honestly couldn't choose one, as the favourite changes day to day…but the one that never fails to make laugh:

My opinions change pretty much on every re-watch. My unchaging favourites are 2 and 3, but the order of the rest changes re-watch to re-watch. On my recent viewing, I really loved season 6. I think the Maris and Niles divorce stuff produced some really funny episodes (as well as some ones with heart) and was an

Oh trust me, I left a lot out, just for brevity's sake, but there were lot more I was thinking of, especially from season 6, which is one of my favourite seasons.

Ohhhhhh Shrooming, how could I forget Shrooming. Possibly some of David Mitchell's finest work.

Ham Radio is brilliant. As is:

It's one of my favourite shows of all time but I also wasn't expecting it.
The Wedding episode is brilliant, as are 'Quantocking', 'Mugging' and my personal fave "Holiday". But there are a bunch of others that would have been worthy as well.

….No Frasier?

Why would I wanna watch a shorter re-cut of one of the greatest films of all-time?

Oh yes, there were countless others that I forgot about. The Chicken Roaster is a great episode.

There's a whole bunch of other worthy ones I'm forgetting as well.

"The Parking Garage" would be my Seinfeld pick, but there are just countless possible choices for it:

Obviously using the word 'horrible' in the context of what we're talking about is different to using the word in a different context, but it was a purposeful use of exaggeration anyway. It won't keep me up at night, I assure you. The black spider that has made a home for himself in my room on the other hand…

That is true, but even so, there are still a number of episodes in the last 3 seasons of Cheers that are better than the ones on this list. I have a feeling that Cheers will be on the list anyway, if the Trivia clue is anything to go by (Edit: Actually, now that I think about, that will probably be Friends, so

The list already has some total shit on it…but I have this horrible feeling that one of Frasier, It's Always Sunny or Malcolm in the Middle (a truly underrated show) is gonna miss out, which would make the list a mockery.

You need to understand that things you like aren't gonna be liked by everyone, and that yes, in fact, you are on a pop culture site where people have lots of different opinions and interpretations of certain art, and if you have an issue with different opinions, either skip the thread, or ignore them and talk to

The General: Such a great, great film. Keaton is endlessly loveable and it's once again a total kick-in-the-teeth to the people who think silent films are 'limited' or 'technically-out-of-date'. This still holds up, and is super effective. It's wonderfully paced, and the fluid camerawork and editing really add to the

Seems fitting.

True. But I also don't consider GoT an established classic. I'll wait to the show ends, for the dust to settle, for the rewatches and reevaluations to occur. If there's genuine universal acclaim after the dust has settled, I might give it another go.