Pierre Menard

Yeah, I know, and despite the fact that I actually think the end of season 3 is still a somewhat fitting (non)ending, it's more the idea that it couldn't even finish in it's own way, whereas the golden treatment crap like Girls gets makes HBO seem like sycophantic willy-washers.

This utter shit gets 5 seasons, but Deadwood only gets 3? There is no justice in the world.

Bit rich calling her a 'poet'.

Finally watched "It's A Wonderful Life" for the first time.

Maybe he should worry less about how scary it's gonna be, and worry more about making a good movie, which he's still yet to do.

I lol'd so often in Civ 5 every time Ghandi acted like a war-mongering dick! I was like "how could I possibly take him seriously?'

I haven't fully explored The Wire, so I won't touch on your criticisms of it, but your appreciation of The Sopranos is brilliant, and very thoughtfully written. Good job.

Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Holy shit I have to get that Marx Brothers TV collection!

Moby Dick was the big one.


Brilliantly directed and shot. Great performances by all. A fantastic script that gives all characters and situations depth. Iconic moments and scenes, and real genuine tension in a number of areas. Intelligent use of music and sound and a really well developed exploration of obsession and the obfuscation of truth.

I'm gonna keep it simple because I'm lazy and just go with my faves.

Glad to see True Detective quite high on the list. I find some of the backlash around these parts pretty misguided and silly. It is a beautifully crafted work, with intelligent direction, stunning cinematography, great performances and a well developed narrative structure that works well for the story they're trying

Oh this is awesome! Can't wait to pick it up!

No, aspects of the artist inform the art, not all parts of a person go into the art. Beyond that, it's entirely possible to be a shitty person but have other great qualities like creativity or a great temperament for certain pursuits, hell, it's possible to be a shitty person and still be able to express and feel

Thirteen Ways is a great poem, endlessly re-readable and always offers up something new every time. Love it!
Trying to choose a favourite though would be near impossible (I have this issue with all of my favourite poets)…I think reading Harmonium all the way through over a relatively short period of time is a really

It's a brilliant work isn't it? And there's basically nothing else like it in literature. It's the sorta book you could come back to all throughout your life, reading a couple passages a day here or there.

I tend to do a lot of bits and pieces reading until the new year where I start a novel or longer book to primarily concentrate on (though this plan often changes). So for the time being, re-reading lots of Borges, Wallace Stevens, Dickinson, Montainge, Robert Burton and some short stories, as well as passages here and

Haha, that's awesome. I've always felt that if I made a cheesy ol' movie, I'd love to see someone take the time to humorously take the crap out of it. I really should buy the DVD sets.