
I'm sure that's going to be a movie soon. Creationist takes on Evolutionist and shows them how foolish they are.

The argument is that Deflategate was Goodell trying to make up for botching Spygate. Spygate had the Pats red-handed and Goodell gave them a slap on the wrist and then burned the evidence. Some of the other owners didn't like it and pressured Goodell to make an example of the Pats with the far more dubious claims of

I'm going to push back on that. The Camerons weren't always that way. Kirk Cameron because a dick about halfway through Growing Pains because he was tired of a decadent life where teen girls were throwing their panties at him so he became uber-religious and ruined Growing Pains by refusing to be the lovable Buffoon

The New England Patriots are being persecuted by the NFL.

Breaking down the trailer since I won't watch this movie until it is on Netflix:

God: Jesus, did Joseph ever tell you what happened to your father?
Jesus: He told me enough, he told me you killed him!
God: No, I am your father.
Jesus: No. No! That's not true! That's impossible!
God: Search your feelings, you know it to be true!

Indeed. This movie offends me as a lawyer more than anything. I'm not going to let a fucking pastor on the Jury. My model juror? Older Jews.

My sister: I didn't know Sabrina the Teenage Witch was that religious.
Me: She's not Kirk Cameron crazy, but she's somewhere on the spectrum. Or she just wanted a paycheck.

Shit. I made this same joke… just 30 minutes late.
Great minds? Or low hanging fruit? OF THE FORBIDDEN TREE?!

No, because the movie isn't catering to Muslim Terrorists. This one is catering to Christian idiots.

I went to a 12:10 showing of Batman v. Superman. I watched a stream of God's Chosen People stream into the theatre to catch the first showing of God's Not Dead 2: God Harder. It was definitely some of these people's first trip to town in quite a while. They struck me as the type of people who demanded Merry Christmas

The Klan used to hate Papists. The modern Klan is actually willing to accept you because their base has dwindled.

I am most certainly not their demographic and i'll seek out some of the more crazy ones like God's Not Dead and Fireproof to watch from a mixture of "hate watching", unintentional comedy, and to see how people like me are being presented.

Indeed. My guess is we are all within the same age range (28 to 35) where we were inundated with this without being able to remotely pick up on the themes.

I own this on DVD. The last time I watched it (a couple of years ago), I actually found that it pushed me towards accepting the Communist characters because the jingoism surrounding the American Rabbit was so over the top.

That you keep saying that the precedent/language/intent is clear doesn't make it so, and it doesn't mean that your "clear" interpretation would become the adopted law.

Judges base their judgments on the same thing, but they have different ways of interpreting them. A different reading of the same words can create a different interpretation.

I love everything about this story.

1. Responding to your deleted post:

I'm hardly a Trump supporter, and I actively dislike Cruz. I hope he is eligible (because of what it means), but it is far from clear let alone exceedingly clear.