
Thanks for clearing that up Supreme Court Justice Shadow.

If only we were actually popular enough to trend stuff on twitter:
#TedCruzPopCultureReferences "But my Mom says I'm cool"

Cruz' concept of legality is just that: Cruz' concept.
He's more activist than any judge on the Warren Court. The only difference is that he does it only to serve his purpose.

I wish it had been the Michael J. Fox quote from the movie:

I think this article makes a great point, and while I openly dislike the man I am deeply concerned that the Republican Party is getting behind someone who isn't even eligible to be President. Before I truly dig into the value of his affinity for Pop Culture I am going to need a definitive answer as to whether or not

Wow. I walked right into it. You are absolutely right. Ron Goldman is a footnote.

I think the show actually did well to show how mentally exhausting and damaging their time on the jury was. I think they just wanted to go home and said "fuck it. O.J. only murdered his ex-wife and hasn't murdered anyone else so it isn't like they are releasing a serial killer".

I'm kind of hoping this show causes people to start talking about the Donald Trump Marital Rape controversy again.

Could be a different show. Jake lives with Sadie in the past and occasionally attempts to stop some of the few things he can remember that happen: MLK's Assassination, The Moon Landing, 9/11 (when he is almost 80).

I just saw that as I was reading the synopsis of the book (because i was doubting this statement i had made). I'm not sure they are alternate timelines, just that the strings of time react generally if one gets tweaked. SPOILER: in the book there is a massive earthquake because Kennedy doesn't die. That just seems

Yeah, Oswald is a fucking asshole wife beater. I'd be okay killing him even if I wasn't sure it'd stop the Kennedy assassination.

There was never a discussion of a continuation of timelines in the book. King took a more simplistic approach where you reset it and that was that.

This is discussed in the book. Reference Jake and Sadie: Jake feels it isn't fair to make Sadie live out of time in a future that she cannot comprehend where a black man is President.

Yes. It is quite clear. I used to read the long version of the Stand once a year, and he definitely puts it in her ass. I think there is basically a line that says, "I let him put it in my ass".

What about Ralph?

Thanks. I'll definitely watch it.

1. I didn't think they purposely telegraphed it. I thought they made a mistake and showed where the top of the cage was going to fail.
2. I was actually wrong about where Foley went through the cage. It was a different spot, but definitely looked designed to fail like it did.

I watched WWE's RoadBlock. It was pretty good. The NXT guys put on the great matches and other than an underwhelming Lesnar match I enjoyed it.

I'm using my sister's account. I just got her hooked so she won't cancel until after the last episode.

Plus getting fingered by your brother probably makes you start to question your sexuality.