
Yes… inquiring minds want to know.

You could see the card in his hat.

i'm only about 12 hours in to Shadows of Mordor. I haven't played it in months, but I do intend to go back.

It was definitely the yellow card man as a physical manifestation of "the past pushes back" idea.

1. Clothespin: T.R. Knight puts a clothespin on his dick to get aroused. Jake seemingly rightly guess that this was a form of abuse from his mother and now is the sexual kink that Knight's character needs to get aroused. On their wedding night, Knight puts Sadie's hand on his dick. She screams and laughs, and he beats

I think Fresh Prince had one at one point.

I'm sorry, I cannot hear you over my giant erection.

Holy Shit. I love everything about this.

Twas a day of pop culture that would have been appropriate if I was 20 years younger.

Post move and now that I have access to legit decent internet i've been catching up on years of not playing games online.

I'd push back on the "in decades" comment, but as I noted above i'm feeling really fucking old when almost 20 years ago was the late nineties. So yeah, in decades seems appropriate.

Jesus, I'm old. "In almost 20 years" is a phrase that is evocative of the 80's or even the 70's. I never think of 1998 (when I was 16) as being almost 20 years ago.

I saw Deadpool on Friday and I really enjoyed it. That seems like the perfect role for Ryan Reynolds, and given the box office numbers I'd be very happy if his career is just Deadpool sequels and X-Men cameos. Of course, I actually liked him in most everything i've seen so i'm okay with him continuing to hit and miss.

Yeah, I was certainly puzzled by "Lunar New Year"

Hey, checking back in. Skyrim DLC (on Steam) is $4.99 for Dragonborn, $4.99 for Dawngaurd, and $1.24 for Hearthfire. Sale ends Feb. 12.


I did.

I saw the aftermath of someone not walking away from one of those this week. I keep googling the accident location because I have a sneaky suspicion the offending driver is about to be charged with a crime.

Understood, but i was definitely reaching to find the comparison.

The commercials work, but his movie career was nothing like OJ's. Shazaam and Blue Chips were early in his playing career and never hit like The Naked Gun movies did.