
He was a huge freeloader. He didn't want to screw up his gravy train.

Yeah, but what would she know him from that she doesn't know him from Basketball?

Okay, but that doesn't mean that exchange didn't happen. OJ was using a moron as an alibi. Kato would have pretended to be a meat eater if it meant helping out OJ.

I can do everything but yards.

Yes. That's true.

Hey, Cliff Huxtable got away with serial rape for years. That doesn't happen in a vacuum. Theo is a world class accomplice.

They were reserved.
They made a point of showing you that Furman was alone any time he found any evidence of substantive value. I think they are setting it up to suggest that a police frame attempt was plausible.

Long time Buffalo Bills running backā€¦ weak comparison, but I think maybe if he did local commercials in Buffalo and the murder was in Buffalo that could work.

That's a really good one.

I was focusing on people who had retired about the same time frame OJ did. But, Strahan works.
Marino wouldn't be the closest comparison? Analyst, commercial spokesman, cameos as himself in things like Ace Ventura?

I have, but Travolta's seemed like something out of a caricature and slightly out of position.

What would the modern day equivalent be?

Two somebodies. But, you'll remember that once Fred Goldman hits your tv screen. I'm excited for whomever plays him. It is going to be wonderful.

DNA evidence was in its infancy so it wasn't quite as damning as it is now. So the defense was able to blur the issues by blaming Furman and the LAPD.

How do the kids say it?

House-sitting for my sister. She has a Wii U, so I thought i'd catch up on Mario Maker. I'm not thrilled that it appears as though it would take weeks to unlock most of the features. But, playing some of the existing levels is fun.

107 comments and no one mentioned my favorite film of all time, Always. The film definitely has a problem transitioning to the 3rd act, but the early relationship of Dreyfuss-Holly Hunter-John Goodman is still my favorite thing to watch to this day.

There was a weird rumor floating around my 9 year old existence at the time that Houston had been raped and stabbed within hours of appearing at Superbowl 25. I've never found any evidence that it was a widely known rumor, and usually i can always find something on the internets to back me up.

My idiot sister is crapping out her first kid so i am house/dog sitting as things progress. This gives me access to her Wii U so I will either be playing endless hours of Mario Maker or seeing if Windwaker is reasonably priced. Ohh. 50 bucks. I guess that's out.

Watch for sales on the DLC for Skyrim. I got Dawnguard and Dragonborn for 5 bucks each, and Hearthstone for 2.50.