
Does the Imgur guru have any tips on how to win a Monopoly game when you are playing with your sister who is an embezzling banker?

How about the natural bigotry that you instill into your kids about not being plumbers or electricians?

Or play with someone significantly more stupid than you are.
I once won a game of chess in 5 moves because my girlfriend at the time made a classic blunder.

Does the Imgur guru have any tips on how to win a Monopoly game when you are playing with your sister who is an embezzling banker?

So, because Stalin's were higher Hitler's don't count?

How many screens was it on overseas? If the studio didn't promote/release it overseas the numbers really aren't indicative of the audience not being there if the movie wasn't either.

Are you implying the Nazi's weren't murderers? and presumably rapists?

She actually won while she was guest spotting on ST:TNG. That's what I find so amazing about Whoopi's award.

Right, in that case Denzel's character suddenly takes a paternalistic patronizing turn that isn't in his character as a black man.

Yes. It isn't just Best Actor. It is all 4 acting categories.

I'd say no. Mainly because she has dual citizenship rather than being a white American of South African descent.

Seriously. This is making me crave Taco Bell tacos and Red Lobster had this white sauce spicy chicken dish that i'd love to have again.

I justed watched Aloha this weekend. Stone's character goes out of her way to explain her ethnic background (to the point where it is a joke in the movie [Cooper: Did she tell you she was 1/4 Hawaiian? McAdams: Only about 50 times]). The fact that she is passably white is kind of part of who the character is. I'm not

I'm confused. Who is 2% of the country?

To say nothing of Sarah Paulson and Paul Giamatti. That movie is an acting masterclass.

There were good performances, but not great performances. That's why I called it a weak year.

Sadly we are about 3 weeks away from having to explain why questions about Ted Cruz's eligibility to run for President are different than Barack Obama's.

Whoa! Let's pump the breaks here. Alanis Morissette had a chance at that role and ruined it for all women.

I think that's actually been reasonably addressed going forward. Not, so much for this year. But, i think the changes the Academy made were pretty good.

Yep. We were making the same argument a couple of seconds apart.