
Teti half assed his column - i'll half ass my Gameological Block and Tackle Update

Teti took a week off - I did not. Except for this week, but anyway - here is last weeks post:

Week 10 results in the Gameological Block and Tackle Fantasy Football league

Well, that trailer just had this 34 year old straight man grinning from ear to ear. Just take my stupid money Disney.

Week 9 results in the Gameological Block and Tackle Fantasy Football league

Week 8 results in the Gameological Block and Tackle Fantasy Football league

These are the Days of our lives. Sorry to inconvenience you people but i had to go buy a pair of pants! Exciting!

editors notes: strikethrough "hands together" insert "penis".

Week 7 results in the Gameological Block and Tackle Fantasy Football League

Evolution, Doom, Marilyn Mason, Secularism… but hey, definitely not the guns that they used.

Agreed - as someone who has a degree in Comparative Religion ( sorry mom and dad) the practical facts surrounding most religions are really cool, even if the dogmatic myths leave something wanting.

I took them using the N word as less to do with a racially motivated killing and more to do with wanting to further buck accepted cultural norms. Hearing kids that age play around with racial slurs isn't unheard of.


It would be from me if it was utter bullshit. Facts matter - I don't care about the cause, whether it is Matthew Shepard or Rachel Scott. Assigning their death extra special meaning that isn't supported by reality is just inane. There is still value in their stories, but when faced with reality and facts you should be…


At least he didn't call them "deplorables"

The irony of an anonymous one comment account to defend a movie about proudly professing one's belief in God is surely lost on them.

All of these positive posts from a group of people who have not even seen this movie yet.

Even that bigot Kim Davis didn't lose her job, and she should have because her belief actually interfered with her ability to actually do her job.

Whoa, slow down Stackpile - Greek, Norse, and Egyptian Mythology are different than Christian mythology in as much as they are actually super interesting and cool to read about.