
David Bowie's music was mostly secondary to me.

Yeah, but if the Artoo section of the map (which was in the hands of the First Order) could at least get them "oriented" they could have at least commented about how they exhausted their attempt to find Luke based on the incomplete map. Remember, they found the Rebels on Hoth with a probe droid. Can we really expect

On my post Awakens reread of Aftermath, it is clear that Palpatine had to borrow large amounts of money (although the power of the money lenders seems to be tenuous at best).

Yes, usually I laugh at Potter's vile racism. This year it seems a little too… Trump.

Someone has to save the Princess.
Be it Mario, Luigi, or Finn, or Joe the Plumber apparently you need a background in fixing leaky faucets to do so.

Agreed. I just would have liked one of the other major franchise trailers instead of 5th Wave (or in addition).

I count at least 4?
Rey, Phasma, Maz Katana, Leia
also maybe the Female X-Wing pilot?

yeah… i can see the 4 minute Family Guy gag now.

In an email to a friend I referred to it as:

Yeah, but that is going to get overshadowed by the fact that what she said might not actually be true.

Two critiques:
1. Rey not wanting to be left by the person who took her to Jakku. If she just witnessed Kylo Ren kill everyone she knew would she really be that upset that he was leaving her?
2. Rey mentions specifically that she is waiting for her family and Maz Kanata says that the people who left Rey (her family)

I would love to see it in IMAX, but there isn't a theatre within 75 miles of me.
Best I can do for my second viewing is upgrading to Dolby Atmos.

Carrie Fisher couldn't move her upper lip making kissing awkward.

Absolutely not.



Yeah, but what about the sand? It is so coarse and irritating and gets everywhere… no woman wants to deal with that.

I'm personally hoping that the Republic/Resistance is able to clean shit up and the only loose end is Kylo Ren and that Luke is forced to kill him and that causes Luke to just give up on life and fade away as Rey rises as the beginning of the New Jedi Order.

As evident by the fact that a powered down Artoo unit was just sitting there collecting dust (for years) and taking up valuable floor space. The Resistance obviously wasn't really that big of a thing and no one cared about them enough to force them ever to relocate bases. I'm surprised with how lazy they were they