
Seriously? You son of a bitch. 90 percent of the people here saw the new Star Wars movie. Even I ventured into a movie theatre for the first time in years. Not cool, man.

Also it has been 30 years. Why not try again. It isn't like the 4 years passing between the Battles of Yavin and Endor. 30 years is a long time to slowly build it and get it right, and but for a rogue plumber it was pretty well defended.

Luke probably felt the deaths instantly, but getting a sub-space frequency to wake up Artoo probably takes time. I hope anyway, or some explanation for Artoo waking up when he did.

correction: you blame JJ Abrams for the top half of Carrie Fisher's face.

And also she referenced Han Solo as the Smuggler when I believe it was Finn called him The General. Meaning that was the part of his story that resonated with her.

You'll be dead!

Yeah, I was really pissed when he turned Atticus Finch into a racist.


If not now at least in 20 years during a rerelease of the film.

I definitely agree about needing a 2nd viewing. I've been eye-balling the calendar trying to figure out when is best. I'm thinking Tuesday of the next 3 weeks as a possibility. I'm trying to avoid crowds and children, but with the stupid holiday approaching I have a feeling it will be crawling with kids.

Yeah, as a perpetually blind man the last thing I attempted in 3-D was a Hitchcock experience at Universal Studios about 20 years ago which was rendered pointless by the fact that i need my glasses to see. Because of that i've never attempted a 3D showing of anything since.

Hmmm… my showing had a "No Blasters" sign on the door but I took that to be a joke since the building didn't have any posting prohibiting concealed firearms.

Obviously, we have to start with a NON SPOILERS comment on Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I saw it Friday afternoon and after discussing it with some friends I’ve come to the conclusion that I definitely enjoyed it for the fan service and the talent of the new cast. But, due to my reaction to the last act of the film I

I can certainly see how that is true. I don't know what my reaction would have been sitting through 2 plus hours of a film if I didn't already have that information. I searched it out because it struck me as odd that this new evil entity had risen and was being countered not by a legitimate government but by (what

It really did. Or 10 seconds of exposition. They dropped the ball on that one.

Shit… my trailers were Captain America: Civil War, The 5th Wave, and Zootopia. The only reaction was laughter during Zootopia.

If you are at all similar to me it is possible that the big spoiler moment of the film left you affected in such a way that you were just kind of numb when the film ended.

Other than T.J. Yates filling in for Dalton i'm basically just hoarding the other guys in case they go off and to keep them from bolstering your anemic running back corps.

Right, 3 films 3 directors. 2nd Director is writing 8 and 9. Abrams staying involved as executive producer so hopefully there is continuity.