
I don't think they shot everything at once. I think they are just starting production on 8 now.

He was assured that Carrie Fisher's upper lip would make his acting seem life like?

Sentence structure-wise?

Also with #1 it might be part of the "Awakening" where maybe there was an accelerated period to become proficient because that's what the Force needed.

Yep. I was at the 155PM showing because I knew I wasn't going to see it this weekend and I knew I wouldn't get to Monday without seeing some serious spoilers. I assumed it'd be Rey's parents, but I knew it was possible for it to be something else.

I mentioned this to a friend earlier.
Obi-Wan's death is so central to the story and it is something that we've seen 100 times at this point that I cannot even remember the first time I saw or what reaction I had. Granted, I was born in 82 so maybe someone who was born in 62 and actually encountered it for the first

I personally hope it leads to Luke having the kill Kylo Ren and that destroying Luke as well.

Maybe, but what if he's only 3 feet tall like Lupita N'yongo's character? That'd be interesting.

I think that is pre-mature. Remember how the Emperor wasn't seen in IV, and then only holonet in V, and flesh in VI?

To your question about the First Order/Republic/Resistance —- i posted this a little further below:

With his other arm. Another plot hole is that in however many years C-3PO has had a read arm they were never able to track down another gold or silver model 3PO droid and take his arm. I can think of about a half a dozen time in the original trilogy where we see multiple 3PO units in the same scene.

The good thing about these new films being in the age of the internet is that we actually have a chance of someone spotting the plot holes and making the easy fixes like what you mention. Yeah, that Artoo explanation is really the only one that works but it creates even more questions like: did they just keep Artoo

This may be EU and non-canon* but I thought we got answers to all of your questions in the sweeping form of: once Palpatine became Emperor he pretty much crushed any of the trade issues under the guise of "what is best for the Republic" and that the Senate was essentially delegated to an infighting advisory role that

I don't think the first criticism is fair since that is one of the few points that was explicitly discussed in the film. Kylo Ren was a former student of Luke's who essentially killed all of Luke's other students. The primary purpose of tracking down BB-8 and the map to Luke was to prevent the Resistance from bringing

After letting me pick up Bryce Brown, Brandon Bolden, and T.J. Yates off the wire this week I am essentially considering this week to be a BYE and looking ahead to the finals.

I picked up on the political machinations of the Republic/Resistance/First Order because i read a comprehensive review of everything that had been revealed going into this film.

If i were you i'd still see it.
I watched it this afternoon, without knowing the spoiler (despite it being telegraphed), and I actually feel like I need a 2nd viewing to be able to judge the movie beyond the spoiler.

I feel like Tombstones was hurt by the marketing, but also by the fact that that is what Neeson does now.

Shit, I have to wait for the 22nd Century for us to invade Canada?