
I also strongly recommend You're The Worst. Brilliant, and you are right the 2nd season is even better although the first season was much funnier.

In the immortal words of George Wallace: Predator Now, Predator Tomorrow, Predator Forever.

I'm 8 hours in on PC and haven't had a single crash. Should I expect it to start soon? or do you think it might be your install?

Please elaborate on New Vegas as I am playing it for the first time and I am curious as to what you mean.

Continuing the Quest of clearing out my DVR prior to the move I watched the following films while playing FIFA 16. Quick note on that, I am doing the player campaign and it is maddening when I'm not a starter and have to see my team simulate the only loss of the season.

With Arms Wide Open, I would accept that.
But, I'd also like the ability to do extra punishments.

ewlmo4 is superior at video games than I am. I needed a game genie to beat Barney's Hide and Seek Game.

I found Wilfred to also be a fantastic portrayal of mental illness.

Interesting, because I definitely am a crier but i didn't get a hint of it from that scene (which I did love).

Bravo, sir.

My point about Ejiofor (which I didn't articulate) is that McConaughey was a mortal lock regardless of the performance that Ejiofor had.

I haven't, but i'm familiar enough with it to know that it was the two of them again.

I’m moving in a couple of months so I have a large backlog of movies on my DVR that I needed to start watching. Usually I spend 30 minutes scanning my DVR and then never actually watching anything, so I said fuck it, sorted my list alphabetically and started at the top. I’ve made it through 4 so far this weekend:

I'll be honest, the only person I'm worried about is TheKappa. I'm hoping he and ewlmo4 beat each other up in the 1st round of the playoffs while I destroy whatever bottom feeder sneaks in…

Right now I am 1-0 against you with my week 4 victory. I'd consider letting you win this week so we could have a rubber match in the playoffs, but there is no assurance that you'll actually be alive for the Championship game, so I will have to destroy you this week out of principle.

or unnecessary.

Not gonna lie, I'm a little creeped out that that you now want to hang out after i mention things going in and out of my mouth and rectum.

I'm going to start by forcing myself to finish some things:

60 Minutes did an interesting piece on this recently. One of the primary reasons we haven't seen Smart Guns yet is because there is a horribly crafted New Jersey law that states that once any Smart Gun is sold (or available for sale) in the United States, that there is a mandate that all guns sold in New Jersey must

That's actually his nose.