
Felicia Day is furious that someone else is going to get that sweet video game sitcom syndication dollars.

I'd be more concerned about Kirkman trying to pretend like I had nothing to do with the creation after the fact.

That is a great assessment of DiCaprio. Right now he is too busy chasing that Oscar to focus on whether or not the film is good.

I watched this after this thread last week. I found it to be an okay action film but it seemed as though they tried too hard to tie April O'neil into the Turtles backstory which was completely unnecessary.

Citzenfour - Fantastic subject matter for a documentary, and Poitras executes it as well as she intended to. There is another version of this doc that could be made that would be very suspenseful (think Errol Morris), but Poitras clearly wanted to present it differently. Snowden himself is a fascinating character:

You better not, especially since there might be a three way race for that title this week.

Which is why he's backing up Brees in the one league I have him in, and will likely be traded long before then.

I'm trying to complete the various side missions on Arkham Origins. I won't get close to 100 percent completion on this game, but i'll definitely finish the main sections.

I benched him for Brees in another league, but that was the smart play and after last night I may actually be able to trade Manning for something I need.

Tell yourself whatever you need to, but based on the injury reports Manning was never in risk of not starting and for a Thursday night game you had time to adjust the roster once he wasn't on the inactive report.

I feel you about Smith since I have Travis Kelce who last week looked like Gronk Jr., and this week looked like Travis Kelce. But, as I said above you have to start Manning until you have a greater track record for the other two to know what is going on.

Yeah. I'm debating what big purchase i want to make this fall and Mario Maker is really making the Wii U seem like a real possibility.

Usually i'd defend that decision after his week one performance, but when you have to pick 2 out of 3 of Alex Smith, Teddy Bridgewater, and Peyton Manning you absolutely have to start Manning and hope his upside gets you the points you need.

We are firmly into Week 2 of the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League. There are numerous copycats, but we are the original! I am Trumpkin, filling in for Snazzlenuts who was so embarrassed that he was the highest scoring loser that he decided to take a week off and shirk his responsibilities.

Do you realize that you are currently projected to go 1 - 13?

We are firmly into Week 2 of the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League. I am Trumpkin, filling in for Snazzlenuts who was so embarrassed that he was the highest scoring loser that he decided to take a week off and shirk his responsibilities.

113. The fact that I get soooo close makes me very very angry.

To answer the question directly, my WTF moment was when I first discovered people streaming live speed running of Mario 64. Something was going on to the extent that it was semi-national news and once I started watching the streams I was absolutely hooked. The way they exploited every single glitch as well as the way

Thanks for pointing me here…

I have seen it. That was a great time for TV plays later being turned into films. My 2nd favorite was No Time for Sergeants