
With 12 Angry Men being so early in Lumet's career and coming on the heels of his TV directing it is understandable that he is a little too into the dramatic tv movie format, but the movie still has a ridiculously high number of world class performances. I'm not sure the value of having you contemplate the careers of

Plowing my way through The Newsroom Season 3. I'm enjoying it much better the second time around. This time through Maggie is far more redeeming, while Jim is still a douche. The hardest part of this watch-through is the fact that Olivia Munn's character is getting dinged by the fact that her speeches seem a little

I could definitely see that impulse, but I've resisted it so far.

Ohh, I'm also downloading the FiFA 2016 Demo to see how my system handles it, and to decide if it is the first FIFA game i'll buy since 2007 and if i'm willing to pay close to full price for it.

I'm really glad that Solitaire game is for iOS since I am currently in the process of downloading all of my apps to my new android phone and it is taking a long long time. The thought of suddenly having to add another game to that list made me want to cry. Of course, I do have this jailbroken reset iphone 5 that I got

Probably officially licensed by the NFL in exchange for the Deflategate joke.

Meegan didn't sign her text, her chat was open and had her name at the top of it.

I had forgotten how consistently funny this show was, and coming on heels of what I felt was a particularly weak episode of The League this is the most i've laughed at anything this summer.

I watched that exchange. Watching O'Donnell attempt to not laugh at this moron was the highlight of my week.

They probably have, they are just inside the snow bank you created when you shoveled out your vehicle.

Instead she did that creepy raised hands eyes shut looking toward heaven thing.

Yeah, I really cannot speak to the merits of online dating until I actually attach a picture to my profile.

I hate all of the fake OKcupid accounts that exist, but i'd love to see how many messages almost any female gets compared to a males account hoping someone at least looks at your profile.

Memory of dozens of viewings of the movies coupled with singing that at the top of my lungs at my sister I absolutely remembered it.

Accepting it as part of a series that leads to The Force Awakens I'm okay with it being decentralized from the main characters. Assuming this book finishes with the establishment of what will be the Empire that we seek in the next movie I'm okay with it.


I'd love to see what percentage of your upvotes are Predator related, but for some reason all I can see is 4 posts about Tim Tebow.

Yeah. It sucks that Kanye is a musical genius because it allows him to be free to be the colossal douche that he is.

Star Wars: Aftermath by Chuck Wendig. Released yesterday, arrived yesterday thanks to a pre-order on Amazon. I'm probably 100 pages into it, and you shouldn't take that as any indication about how good it is, but rather the fact that it was written by a YA author and reads like it was.

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? by Joyce Carol Oates. I read this for the first time in an low level English class the summer leading into my freshman year of college. The menacing nature of Friend, and the hopelessness of the ending really stood out to me.