
Not even Predator?

That is the one.

A more recent one.

I've been sucked into the Humble Bundle summer sale:
My Telltale Bundle was Walking Dead 1, 2, and 400 days, Jurassic Park, and BTTF. I also did got the free Stealth Inc 2, Sanctum 2, and then I did the Double Fine Bundle and got Grim Fandango Remastered, Psychonauts, and Stacking all for probably less than 25 bucks?

No one has expressed support for Tracy Chapman yet, and while Fast Car, and the subsequent In Living Color skit about it were my first exposures to Tracy Chapman it was actually the song Behind the Wall that killed me. Just the vocal, doesn't seem to be filtered at all. Less than two minutes and absolutely

Yeah, as long as Katey Sagal wasn't singing they usually hit it perfectly. Starting the first season 3 episode in Belfast with Black '47's "The Big Fellah" is another great example.

That Silver Springs performance is incredible. When I look it up on youtube i'll watch it like 5 times in a row.

West Wing was good for tying big moments to song. Brother in Arms by Dire Straits is a great example as well.

What's the song from that episode? Or maybe the next during the funeral: The Lost Boy by Greg Holden… that one hits me.

I'd love to see some Pro-Kanye television ads during the election cycle. It would show how ridiculous the process truly is, however Kanye would take it as actual support and I cannot get behind that.

I was disappointed that:
1. They took the bubble wrap off the table
2. No one went through the bubbled wrapped table

That is a valid point about the Clock and when Night of Champions actually is.

Props are typically used either in longer matches (which Diva's don't get) or as a quick finish to a shorter matches. The main prop you'll see for the Diva's is the Championship belt. But, right now because they are trying to build up how great the Divas coming from NXT so quick matches are ending because of

Correct. A couple weekly shows year round (plus house shows) which takes its toll on the various wrestlers which is why someone like Lesnar was able to get his special contract and why guys like Jericho stop wrestling for a year at a time to let his body heal, and if you believe it one of the main reasons C.M. Punk

Depends on when you are talking about. There were reports of additional shooters (the non-existent trench coat mafia) for days, a sniper on the roof (an air conditioning repair guy), and gun shots for 3 hours after Klebold and Harris were dead (the SWAT team blowing open doors), There was an explosion later that night

I'm not sure about the 5 year thing anymore because of our almost immediate availability to live stream whatever is happening. That, plus the internet being a holding center for all of that info we now have the ability to fact check the facts as they appear.

Tying back to my original post Jeff Daniels has a great retort about how people choose the facts they want on The Newsroom.

I think it underscores the point about eye witnesses generally being unreliable and your expectation should be to be wary of everything for years after until all of the various sources can be independently verified and compared against one another.

Cassie Bernall - she was killed in the library. She never spoke to the killers. All that was said to her was "peekaboo" by Eric Harris before he shot her. Someone in the library overheard an exchange between Klebold and another girl, where Klebold asked if she still believed in God, and that girl said yes. Klebold

Which one?