
Definitely let me know what you think about it.

Yes… but with a caveat that it actually has nothing to do with small rodents: xhamster

That's entirely accurate, and fortunately I didn't have to deal with any of that B.S.. I was able to avoid all of that because my admission into a very very good school was assured by the 10 years my dad had put in working for them. If I didn't have that assurance I don't know what route I would have taken: would I

I wonder if your post-Columbine experience was a result of the relative maturity of your peers. Not saying my peer group was drastically more mature, just that at those ages there can be jumps in maturity seemingly overnight.

Indeed. You can see the difference from video to video. Some are actually really into it and for some it is all about the camera angle.

You mock, but some of us need to be drawn in.

Did it? It might have been the order in which I watched the films but I felt like the… never mind… turns out I was confusing the two movies and I actually agree with you.

Yeah, but didn't talk about them.

Careful with your phrasing. I get what you are saying, but you actually said something a little different.
Bullying and whatnot will most likely end after high school.
Depression can be life long.

Right… more of the false narrative. The lack of friends and the high pressures on high school students. I'm not saying those things cannot be triggers, but in this case it really didn't seem that way. I actually had a friend in undergrad who melted down his senior year of high school and it cost him going to Harvard.

If Better Off Ted had been a little more consistent and actually released in order I would easily call it my favorite half hour comedy ever. Unfortunately they screwed around with it just a little too much.

I think my first real understanding came several years later as I was watching a television show about what skills you would need to have to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. They were able to film in wide sections of New Orleans that still showed absolutely no signs of recovery. On the plus side I learned that a 9

Slight distinction (and even slighter given common usage), but it appears as though Harris was a psychopath.

Depends on how you are viewing it. If it is showing the original post either in the article or in disqus' section of your comments you see it. If you are in the Notifications you won't see it.

I don't know… that seems like a cop out especially because Van Sant seemingly used it to make the killers seem sympathetic but at the same time casting them as true outsiders (which is why i think it doesn't get included in the current culture).

Easy… he is personally responsible for unleashing an unchecked Kanye West onto the world.

I'm of two minds about it. I think it was a realistic and horrifying view of the violence but I was troubled by a couple of the choices the director made… especially given the obvious comparisons to the Columbine attack.

I'm been seeing a lot of Hurricane Katrina coverage, and while i've reach my threshold of Anderson Cooper I think i'll fire up that documentary on HBOgo tomorrow. I was kind of out of touch during Hurricane Katrina so despite the fact that about 50 families were relocated to my neighborhood I really didn't submerge

The pacing of Cullen's book really is incredible. I think I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, you sit in dread during the first 100 pages knowing what is going to happen and you'll keep turning to the dedication page (to the 13 victims and 1 survivor) to see if the person you are reading about is going to die.

I definitely recommend it. Apparently the journalist Jeff Kass also wrote a book about the Columbine attack which apparently takes issue with some of Cullen's conclusion and focuses more on the the way law enforcement handled it, so I might pick that up at some point.